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She couldn't help but just smile at the young man. He seemed so eager to go to classes. This was a great thing for a new professor to see. She was hopeful that all students were this excited about lessons. "It's great that you like to be early though." She commended him on that, but chuckled at his statement. "You're right you never know what will happen before a class starts." She remembered a few being exciting even before the lessons started in her day.
Only his second year, but a sixth year? This was about to confuse the blonde just a bit, until he said the next part, "Ooooooooh home schooled. That's so fascinating. Why did they decide to have you come here?" She wouldn't have even realized if she was stepping over a line of questions, she was always so fascinated by the home schooled concept.
She had to tilt her head very curiously at him. He was sitting down? This was curious, did students just sit and eat in the corridor? "Is this normal? I mean students just sitting in the corridor eating?" Wouldn't he rather be at the great hall? "Oh no thank you, but that's soooo sweet of you to offer."
"thanks Professor" he beamed at her, she was really nice. thank goodness he didn't want any scary Professor's teaching him, he would be too afraid to learn and he'd most likely as his parents to be home schooled again. SCARY = BAD.
Loving that she agreed with him he was actually looking forward to his lesson with her.
"I don't know really? my parents work for the ministry but i don't know what they do, they normally never let me leave the house" confessing with a sad face.
oh… is he getting into trouble… NOOOOOO.. putting his head down he replied
"sometimes I do, to have some alone time or to think about things. sometimes no one comes around" then thinking maybe that he meant for her to leave which he didn't. Looking at his sandwich in the bag, he thought it was best that he ate this later instead of possibly getting into trouble.
"your very welcome" wow she had so much manners, he wondered where she grew up.