Unforgivably Cursed | adultescent Had she lost track of time? That thought became suddenly apparent to Nessa as she wandered the lower floors, trying to see who or what she might find. It had been ages since she had visited certain parts of the castle, but she could finish her exploration another time. She had some BFF time to tend to!
With a spring in her step, she nearly skipped back up the stairs to the first floor and headed down the corridor. Luckily she was already dressed in her cute exercise top and yoga pants in varying shades of purple so she wouldn't be any later than she was and she turned into the small classroom annex in her wing of the floor. Oooh Cassie was already there! They could get started right away for gossiping exercising. "Casssiiieee," she sang as she entered the room, her smile bright at the sight of her dearest friend. "Oh and who did you bring?" She beamed at the two kitties as the crawled around the room and she picked up Gemini as he meowed near her, twirling a bit with him in her arms. After giving him a few pets, she set the kitten down and got out her own yoga mat. "You really should bring them by the office for a visit. I think Ophelia is a little lonely now that I'm keeping her here." There really needed to be a better solution to that because she didn't think she could bring her back and forth. She got far too fussy with all the travel.
She laid out her deep violet mat then sat down upon it, reaching her fingertips towards her toes. Best to start with some light stretching. "So.. how has your day been?" Hers had been fantastic so far.. but what was the day meant to bring?
__________________ started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________  ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line |