SPOILER!!: You twooo ^^
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"Sweets?" Tap tap tappedy tap.
"Nah. Not yet, anyway." Gosh, get sugar in this kid and he'd be bouncing off the WALLS. Probably literally. Anything was possible at Hogwarts.
Before they could really get a conversation going though, Airey had opened up the door. Toby sprang right up to his feet again with a grin and gave the man a cheerful salute right back.
He shrugged at Alexa's look, not knowing what they were here for any more than she did, apparently, and followed her into the office with the usual spring in his step. He spared the usual moment or two to look around the office, though it hadn't really changed much since he was last here. This was definitely still one of his favourites.
"So what's up, Professor A?" A for Airey, obviously. Toby was about to ask if perhaps he needed them to do a top secret job, but before he'd even opened his mouth, he saw... was that a FERRET? WHAAAAAAT. THAT WAS SO AWESOME. Tobias was STRAIGHT over there, looking utterly besotted with the creature already.
"So cuuuuute." Quote:
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Grabbing one of the chairs in front of his desk, the professor rolled it in front of the coffee table in front of the sofa and sat down. No need for the typical formalities of sitting at a desk today, even if the topics to be covered we a bit formal in nature. Oh well. His desk would get rather crowded with three tea cups anyway. Coffee table was much better suited for this sort of thing.
Why don't you two take a seat on the sofa," he said while gesturing towards it with his one hand. "
You may take Hershel out if you like, Mr. Tempus. I have not groomed him yet today, so if you would be so kind as to do that it would be much appreciated." And then he summoned a lint roller, labeled HERSHEL'S GROOMING APPARATUS, and handed it to the Hufflepuff.
Tea or hot chocolate?"
The shrug told her Toby didn't know about this anymore than she did. Kinda comforting, really, knowing she wasn't the only one going in blind. Saved her from wondering why everyone seemed to know things in this place but her. Ah well. She stood by Toby, watching the Professor pull a chair over to the sofa. No desk then? Cool, if not more of an interest peeker.
Her attention only shifted after Toby's cooing? Huh? What?
She looked about the room, wondering if she'd missed anything. That's when she spotted it. A ferret!!
"Awwwww! Jun has one of those. You should talk to him if," wait for it, the Professor had said a name,
"Hershel ever gets to wanting friends of the more...erm...animated variety." No offense Pebbles, you were still an epic and slightly concerning pet.
The Gryffindor flopped into the couch. In all her visits here she'd never sat in it. It was always the desk.
"Hot chocolate please." Now that he'd offered she figured she could go for some.
"Do you have any marshmallows you could maybe throw into while you're at it?"