Originally Posted by
Harron Peasley
Someone was singing. And if Charlie had been even a smidge more confident, or even in just a better mood, she might have joined in. She actually quite liked that song, and the person singing it....
Was also riding a skateboard. The sight made Charlie smile, and shy a little closer to the corridor wall, with a slight shake of her head. Goodness, Jun was crazy! She was half tempted to trip him, or curse one of the wheels on his board, but on second thoughts - well, she would probably be the one to end up getting hurt, because that was just her luck. Instead, she gave him a reserved smile and rose up on her tiptoes to call to the boy. "Nice pipes."
Because really, he did have an impressive voice. She wasn't surprised he'd gotten into this singing programme he'd been telling her about on the train.
Jun was about mid song, stopping every now and then since he couldn't really remember the words, when someone called out something. '
Nice pipes". He stopped his skateboard and turned towards the voice. He accepted the compliment since he knew it was true. Wouldn't have gotten into the trainee program if it wasn't. Jun grinned and skated towards the lovely person who called out.
"Heeeeeey. I know, right," he grinned stepping off the skateboard and let Charmander off his shoulder and onto the ground. The ferret made his way towards Charlie and sniffed at her shoes. Standing on his hein legs, Charmander titled his head and waddled his way onto Jun's skateboard.
"Surprise seeing you around the corridors,"