Red Cap
Join Date: Jul 2012
Posts: 71
Hogwarts RPG Name: Silas McAther Fifth Year |  "things change fast ; but this, too, shall pass" CHARACTERRELATED●STUFF ----------
----------- NAME : Silas Martin McAther
NICKNAMES : Sal, Martin
AGE : Sixteen
DATE OF BIRTH : August 14
HOUSE : Gryffindor
TYPE OF BLOOD : Halfblood
WAND : ---------SIZE: Eleven inches ---------WOOD: Birch ---------CORE: Billywig stings and lionfish spine
----------- HAIR : Oak brown, sometimes appears black if wet or dirty, or depending on the light.
EYES : Dull green
CLOTHING STYLE : Silas is fond of lonsleeved button-up shirts that he never buttons and always rolls up the sleeves. As a child, his wardrobe was plain and semi-formal, and he's never quite grown beyond that. He possesses one or two pieces of band merch, and various Gryffindor apparel, but he's perfectly content with wearing solid colors and the occasional pair of jeans.
HEIGHT : 5'10"
WEIGHT : 130 lbs
TATTOOS/SCARS/DISTINGUISHING FEATURES : Nope. Silas has not led an interesting enough life to have gained any distinguishing makings yet.
BUILD : Gangly and bony.
FACE CLAIM : Vincent LaCrocq
---------- LIKES : candy, Quidditch, a good book, exercise, cheese, animals, cold fruit on a hot day, listening to people talk about something they are passionate about
DISLIKES : people who don't take responsibility for what they do, watered down hot chocolate, any kind of hostility or violence, spiders, pressure to perform, his ears, people that just bring other people down into their black hole of bad vibes
AMORTENTIA : chinese food, unbroken books, fresh bread, new leather
PATRONUS : Unknown
BOGGART : Unknown
WORST MEMORY : Hearing his parents fight on the same day his sister had died.
FAMILY : Small
MOTHER: Anna McAther (Muggle)
FATHER: Liam McAther (Wizard)
SIBLING/S: Linda McAther (Deceased)
PET/S: Marci (Owl)
FAMILY HISTORY : Silas was born to a reasonably wealthy, reasonably happy family. It was a small family. Mother, father, uncle, and three surviving grandparents he got to see sometimes. They lived near the countryside in a community of other reasonably wealthy, reasonably happy families. His parents dressed, fed, and loved him well. He was neither spoiled or neglected, not paraded or sheltered. His parents tried to teach him many things from a young age, with mixed feelings arising when it was finally confirmed that he took after his wizard father.
When Silas was six years old, his parents had another child, a girl, whom they named Linda. As tends to happen, the addition of another child so soon after the first put a slight strain on the family. But they were still reasonably happy, for the most part. Silas was left to himself a lot. Both of his parents worked, plus having to make arrangements for Linda to be looked after. Silas was left under the watch of his uncle Arnold sometimes. Uncle Arnold had no children, but still seemed happy to help out his brother. Silas learned quite a bit from his time with Arnold.
When Silas was eight, his sister died from unknown causes while she slept. From there, the delicate balance of his home life was thrown off, and everything went downhill. His parents fought almost constantly, and Silas was left to hide in his room a lot. It wasn't long before Liam suggested that Silas stay with his brother. Despite protests, and more conflict, Silas did end up staying with Arnold. He still does not know how that 'discussion' went, or why that conclusion was reached. But before Silas turned ten years old, he was sent to live with his Uncle Arthur and his wife.
Arthur and Emily McAther lived much closer to London in a narrow home squished in between two others. The change was uncomfortable for Silas, but ultimately, he learned to appreciate his new home. His aunt and uncle took him places and made sure he was happy. He still saw his mother and father often, and did not understand why he was sent to live away from them. They old him to think of it as a vacation. But, as time passed, Silas grew to accept the fact that he lived without his parents. It just became a fact that his aunt and uncle looked after him now. They were happy together. Happier than Silas had ever known a family to be, even if they weren't his parents.
PERSONALITY : Silas is very kind to whomever he meets (unless they're really nasty), and gets along with just about anyone. For the most part, his attitude is very optimistic, and he is always eager to try new things. He will always try to take the best out of a situation, an doesn't believe in dwelling on the negative. He can be a little cocky at times, but that's just his way of teasing people. He has a charming air about him that others can take whichever way they want. In reality, these things are a bit of a facade. Silas is easily hurt and influenced by the bad attitudes of other people, and will always approach a new relationship with caution until he can get a feel for the person.
After that little bump, Silas is pretty relaxed. He will use any opportunity to cheer someone up if they need it, and is interested in making new friends, especially since the few friends he made in his younger years did not carry over. He is daunted by pressure to perform, especially since he is still learning lots of things about magic. He is afraid that his blood status affects his ability to do magic, and hence he has big fears about failure. Because of the tension between his parents, he has always been sensitive to people who are angry or upset. Silas finds very few reasons to be angry, and prefers to not worry about it if that's an option. He can't let anything upset him, because he dreads having to deal with those kinds of feelings. Overall, Silas has a determined nature, and when the time calls for it, he will go to any lengths to do what is necessary.
STRENGTHS : Self motivated, hardworking, keeps a positive attitude, friendly, patient, mindful of rules
WEAKNESSES : Difficulty saying 'no', sensitive, locks up under too much pressure, easily discouraged, difficulty asking questions
HABITS : Nibbles on pencils/pens/quills, snaps fingers when thinking or nervous, fidgets with small objects REALLIFE●STUFF
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