SPOILER!!: Peeps
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Looking up from his letter, Austin noticed a Kneazle playing with a shoelace. He wasn't exactly fond of Kneazles, seeming as how their squished faces made them look like something was up. He pulled his bag closer to him, hoping the little rascal didn't go through it. The last thing he needed was all of his notes torn, and to have to redo all of his homework. Upon further inspection, he found that the Kneazle belonged to none other than good ol' Chicken Coop. He chuckled, put his letter in his bag, and walked over to her.
As he came up behind her, he put a hand on her head. "Hey there Chicken Coop." He glanced up at the seventh year, who, presumably, was looking for his toad. Austin hadn't seen a toad recently, but as he looked over to the chair where he was sitting, a small creature had taken his place. So much for sitting there again... He thought.
"Is that yours?" He said, pointing in the direction of the slimy creature.
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As Zeus gnawed on her shoelace hungrily with his pointed teeth, Maddie glanced around the common room. She noted the older boy looking like he'd lost something valuable and instead of helping, she decided to try and figure out what it could be without asking. Using his expression for clues, y'see. And with the way he was crawling around on the floor, whatever it was had to be small enough to fit places like under the sofas and chairs. A pet, perhaps? He had looked weirdly at Zeus-Yeah, she caught that-so maybe it was smaller than her feisty feline. Good think the Z-manKneazle had a shoelace to occupy his mind.
"M'settling just fine, thanks." Maddie glanced up at the boy from her place on the floor and tilted her head to the side, observing him. "Did you lose something important?" Cause maybe she WOULD be willing to help if he offered some sort of reward. Did he know lots of SPELLS? Did he have SWEETS? Questions, she had them.
"Chicken coop?" NO. JUST NO. Maddision promptly swatted Austin's hand away and pulled a face because she DID NOT like that name. It wasn't one of the two approved ones they'd discussed, yes? She did get distracted by what he was saying to the older guy, though.
Maddie's brown eyes looked to where her fellow first year had been sitting and observed the scene curiously. Zeus seemed to take notice of the fact that her attention wasn't on him anymore and so he bent down on his front paws and stuck his tiny bottom in the air, tail swishing back and forth. Ready to pounce, he was.
Benjy slumped down on to the sofa, and pulled out a chocolate frog for munchies. "Glad to hear it," Benjy said, nodding at the first year and watching the kneazle play with her shoelace. "And it's only my toad, Flipper," Benjy shrugged. "Done his usual 'I'm back at Hogwarts' disappearing act. He seems to get very excitable, and just hops on off when I'm not looking."
Nothing really to worry about, as long as there weren't any stray kneazles on the loose. Except well...there were.
Chicken coop? What kind of name was that? Benjy looked confused. It was the sort of name he might have called G for a joke...did someone seriously name their kid that? Poor girl.
And then the boy was pointing to the chair, Benjy grinned. "Yup, that's Flipper." He went to pick the little NON-SLIMY fella up, and stroked him gently. "Always into mischief."