Thread: Pathways
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Old 05-12-2014, 06:51 PM   #25 (permalink)

Scheming Marauder
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Originally Posted by Squishy View Post
Mmmm. Lux pointedly watched Louis. "Good, because if I saw you wince even once, that is where you would end up." Smiling sweetly, she was all too aware of how serious he would take her words. Because he would know them to be true.

"Oh, I understand now." Lifting her right foot, she carefully placed it on the board while her left foot remained on the ground. This was going to be so much fun. "If I get good at this, I want to show Bay." Otherwise he would not be allowed to watch; she did not need him to see her getting hurt or embarrassing herself.
“No wincing from this Gryffindor. Promise.” ‘Cause Lions were supposed to be all brave and stuff, right? So wincing wasn’t allowed. Especially if it guaranteed a trip to his least favourite place in the entire castle.

Louis watched as Lux carefully placed her foot on the skateboard, which rolled the tiniest bit, ready to continue on riding down the pathway. “I think he’d like that, actually,” he said with a smile as he walked to Lux’s other side and took the girl’s hand. “Hold on tight. Now, push forward with your left foot. But not too hard.” He didn’t want her rolling off too quickly just yet or she’d lose her balance and fall. “I’ve got you, don’t worry.”

— the sun & the moon
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