Sardines ♥ BHB ♥ Dallie ♥ Grumpy ♥ MY SUN AND STARS ♥ i love julia Hearing about Javy's farm life was super interesting. Piers would probably keep asking him questions about it for the rest of the day, but for now it was time to get the rest of their school supplies. And Piers would also continue teaching his new friend about Quidditch and ghosts, and other cool things. After they paid for their things, Piers was nearly bouncing on his way out of the shop. "Come on!" he shouted excitedly, dragging Javy out the door. And off they went. * * * * *
Weeks after getting all his school supplies in Diagon Alley, Piers was still in awe with the castle he called school. It was so much more than he ever imagine and WAY cooler than his neighbors had described, even though their descriptions sounded pretty awesome. They had all been there for a couple weeks now and Piers was getting better at not getting lost. But Merlin, there were a lot of staircases and hidden corridors!
Speaking of staircases, Piers was coming down the stairs with some housemates after Transfiguration class and decided to hit the Great Hall for lunch. He split off from his friends and nearly skipped his way into the great hall, veering off to the side to sit at his house table. He shoved half a dinner roll into his mouth and poured himself some pumpkin juice. Chewing the large lump of roll in his mouth, Piers looked around for a minute at the other kids in the room. Hogwarts was AWESOME. |