SPOILER!!: professor
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Now that the feast was finally over, Healer Tillstorm decided to stop by her office before checking in on her snakes in the common room. She wasn't planning on spending very much time in this office tonight seeing as how it was the first night of school. Certainly there wasn't going to be anyone sick or injured already.
Of course as she rounded the corner leading to her office she spotted a student outside her door. Hopefully this was not an indication of what this term was going to be like.
As she approached her door she stopped next to the girl but made no indication that she was going to either open the door or invite the girl in... yet. "Hello. Is there something I can help you with? Are you lost?" That had to be it. They hadn't even been in the school for twelve hours yet. So really, the only reason Cece could think for this child to be here, in this spot was because she lost her way to her common room.
Keep on walking youngster. You have a few more flights of stairs to go. Unless of course the girl was just here to introduce herself. Yeah, that could be it. Since you know, this office wasn't the infirmary after all, where sick or injured students should go.
The Healer was here from the feast! Caelen jumped up from her seat, excited to see the woman who could take off her metal annoyances. In fact, the girl was so excited that she hadn't even been up to the common room yet. The twelve year old just ran right to the Healer's office and hoped that Adrienne was right. It was about to get really awkward around here if she wasn't.
Why did she want the silver metal to be gone so bad? Because all that candy she ate made the braces kind of hurt and they looked weird among the kids who had none. Stupid muggle things. She was a wizard. No one else had them. Which was only one of the reasons the redhead wanted them off. O-F-F. Off of her teeth. She would even find a way to explain this to her dentist and her mom if she had to. She would even make up an alibi to do it. Just get the stupid contraptions away. Or she might have to find a spell or something to do it herself. There was a library, and Caelen was pig-headed enough to make it happen herself. Soooooo one way or another it was happening.
"I'm not sure if I'm in the right place or not. I think I am, because I'm not like high risk or in danger or anything. I'm not sick or injured, in other words. Wait, I kind of am." Tucking a piece of red hair behind her ears, the second year continued. "I'm sick of having these metal braces stuck in my mouth. They're annoying and painful and I can't eat my favorite foods and I was wondering if there was any spell or charm or magic you could use to take them off." And with that, she opened her mouth to reveal the dentistry work. As if the Healer couldn't see if from a mile away. Use clever pun, check. Make yourself look really good. Yeah, that one was probably not checked. Hopefully the Healer had something. Because the kid did not want to go all of her second year rubbing her tongue on the stupid metal. That hurt. She had cut her tongue twice doing that already. And adults kept yelling at her for eating candy. It totally stunk. Mom even threatened to hide the candy or break the jar if she kept this up. And Nate and Thomas actually DID hide the candy, though Caelen got it down and hid it in her room. But that wasn't the point. The point was that these things stunk! Flashing a smile in the Healer's direction, Caelen decided that it was probably good to introduce herself.
"I'm Caelen. Caelen Winters. And I have braces. And I would like to not have braces. Would you be able to help, is the question I'm asking." Because that seemed like a nice way of asking when you REALLY hated the things on your teeth.