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Genevieve had been patrolling along the perimeter checking for security gaps, and when she reached the gate for the second time, she decided to head back toward the castle. All was well and secure and since her legs were tired, she was thirsty, and she rather fancied heading home for the day in another hour or so... rounds were done.
She spotted a familiar (if not larger than expected) figure ahead, and Genevieve hurried to catch up. "Didn't anyone tell you not to be out at night? Or during the day? Or at all? It's so dangerous out right now and no amount of super scary Aurors can keep you safe if you make such bad choices." Poke poke poke.
The afternoon was quiet enough for her to hear most things around her. From what she could hear, the trees were making most of the noise with their leaves rustling, then maybe Felix with his occasional hisses. It was kinda peaceful. You'd never know there was some all powerful coward out their threatening children. Lex continued after the kneazle but stopped after hearing approaching footsteps. Given she wasn't on the path, the person must have needed to have a word with her. In this case she started making a list of people she was hoping it wasn't.
Lex spun around when the steps got loud enough...............
"Vivi?" jdbskdugfisd...jsvdbdiugfiwetf5cf785rt87w.....JGIU SFAETGIWRFGIEUTFWGIDSIFETUIRCTSTYSDTYHFG. At first she thought she might have been seeing things. Like maybe someone slipped something into the food and she was having the first signs (it wouldn't be the first) but then she remembered the theme this year was total bad guy bully and that Aurors were here to help. Right.
"Vivi!!" She wrapped her arms around the girl she hadn't seen in
"Can't be so dangerous if he sends threats by owls and targets children. I'd like to pop him one--whoever he is--for ruining Quidditch this year." Given the chance, Lex would have gladly shown the guy how dumb a Gryffindor could be.