Text Cut: #GoodAdviceEmi more like #GoodAdviceElodie amiright? (I'm not funny)
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Another small human! Placing her hands into her robe pockets, Elodie let the rugrat speak and fiddled with the remaining lollipops in her pockets whilst doing so. "I like Halcyon. S'cute." She liked Hallie too. So she'd probably keep it fresh with what she called the kid. If she stayed on her good side, that was. If she didn't, she'd probably be referred to as 'oi', 'brat' or 'turd'. Just to keep things fun. But Els was super fond of the whole 'rugrats' thing she had going right now. But Halcyon. Hallie. Yeah. Cool. Was there a problem? An issue? Had she lost something already?
A sibling.
Well that wasn't exactly the best of situations. But the sorting process? Elodie could try answer questions. She didn't really question anything about it because it did what it needed to and she got a roof over her head, good food and a bed to sleep in. The only problem was not being in the same house as Cat, but Els was positive she was better off in her own dorm with Olly and Bliss for now.
"Well... I don't think she was sorted wrong," she started, offering the rugrat a lollipop as she opened one up for herself. "Being sorted into different houses doesn't mean she's gone or anything. My best friend is in Slytherin and my boyfriend was a Gryffindor. I see...saw... I.. What I'm trying to say, is that you'll see her. There's a potions class in the morning. She'll be there. You can see her then. You'll see her in classes. And you can make plans to do your homeworks together on the grounds, in the Great Hall or the library." Why there was an issue, she didn't know. But she wasn't exactly in a position to snap at Hallie and tell her to get her big girl boots on and that being alone was part of life.
Because people left you. They left you behind, or they died. That was life. That was the big world.
But nope. No scaring the rugrats. Not yet.
"What house is she in? I can maybe talk to someone in the house and ask them to keep an eye on her." Or she wouldn't. But she could say she'd try.
Hallie nodded along as she was spoken too. She did feel a little relieved and let out a small sigh. If people from different houses could be best friends then maybe she and Coral would be okay. In a way, she knew that she and her sister would be able to see each other around the school, but worrying about not seeing her was easier than her new worries. What if Coral-Bay makes all new friends and Hallie doesn't? What if Coral is better in classes and is more popular and gets a boyfriend and Hallie doesn't? Hallie was supposed to be the strong one. The brave one. The decisive one. Could she bear it if CB did better than her here? Hallie wanted to win.
It's not like the picking for friends seemed overwhelmingly good. Nobody seemed dreadfully unbearable yet, but Hallie had always seen herself being surrounded by extremely driven and intellectual people. Her fellow Hufflepuffs were nice, sure, and maybe once she got to know them they wouldn't seem as off-putting. For now, she had to resist turning her nose up. She and her sister were supposed to both by Ravenclaws or Slytherins, somewhere with smart or ambitious people. But instead she was put here. Without Coral-Bay. She could work with being here if it weren't for being separated..At least she looked really good in yellow.
"Thank you, really." She nodded three times. "I'm sorry to seem so..." She trailed off. "I'm normally better than this." She was struggling to articulate herself, which has never happened before. "I'd really appreciate it, thank you so, so much. Her name is Coral-Bay, and she was sorted into Ravenclaw."