Angsty!Teen alert.. Yeahhh, Mr White! Yeah science! Józsua had skipped the feast on purpose. Quick trip to the dorms and out to the grounds. Good. No chance of seeing anyone until he absolutely had to.
He had made the conscious decision to segregate himself from the other Snakes in his year group. No need to cause further trouble when you were the one who had started things in the first place. His plan was to keep his head down and complete his muggle and wizard exams and get the hell out of here. No legacy to be left. But he would remain free of scars, and so would the others involved, as long as he flew under the radar. Plus he would have a job waiting for him at the end of it.. if he made his grades..
His stomach hurt with guilt. His heart hurt with missing Derry and his friends. The karma his brother believed in so strongly had come around and hit him at full pelt in the face. But he figured it was fair. Derry had been the first person to make him feel welcome when he arrived at the school in his fifth year. She'd been a friend to him.. taken him under her wing. They'd grown more and more attached to each other and eventually became something more..
And then stabbed her in the back and twisted the blade.
This was who Józsua really was..
He sat under the beech tree.. looking at the lake but not really seeing it..
His graduation year at Hogwarts was going to be a living nightmare.
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