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Cassie was walking joyfully down the corridor. This was just such a wonderful evening and she knew that an Astronomy Class was going on, so she knew students would be out and about a little later, so no need to have to worry about any misbehaving. Though she knew all these sweet children wouldn't cause problems anyway.
Hearing the sound of things scattering the blonde moving a bit quicker in her already bouncy step. "Are you alright?" Her first encounter with a student and he was well she wasn't sure what he was at the moment. All she could see where things being gathered by his quick hands. "I can help you." She bent at the knees and reached down to pick up some scattered items. The down fall to high heels was picking things up off the floor.
hearing a voice his head snapped up, it was the new professor…for Divination right?? thinking about the opening feast he tried to remember…. yeah…. sounded about right to him.
"I'm alright, just moving to quickly" he admitted, he always was rushing to get places to make sure he wasn't late or missed anything good. Seeing that she was helping him pick up his stuff he smiled.
"she sure seems nice" he thought
"thank you".
Oh, then it occurred to him that it was best for him to introduce himself.
"Hi… sorry.. I'm Victor Bay, I'm in Gryffindor and I'm a sixth year" he said proudly, it always seemed to be apart of any of his introductions which made him chuckle a little thinking about it. so far so good, he wasnt getting into trouble and the new Professor was actually helping him.