Model: Emma Rayne Lyle
Name: Gwenhwyfar Jensen
Nicknames: Gwen, Gwenny
Age: 12
Birthday: June 24, 2071
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Wand: Elm 12 3/4 in. Powdered pixie wing core.
Not knowing things
:Gwen is very shy, but once she gets to know somebody she's a real chatterbox. She is from New York, and has huge amounts of American Pride. She is also fluent in sign language on account of her older sister being deaf. She is dyslexic, and worries that she's not smart because of it.
Gwen adores her father, and in her eyes he can do no wrong. He is rarely present, but when he is he takes her out to amusement parks, coffee shops, and Broadway plays. Though more than once their daddy-daughter dates have been cut short by him having to rush off to work, Gwen can't see anything wrong with the way her father raises her.
Her mother is a different story. Gemma is always saying 'no' to practically everything. Gwen believes her mother is the reason her parents got divorced, and if her mother could only stop and listen to her father none of this would have happened. Gemma is a cheerful woman. She likes to sing and garden. She loves her children more than anything in the world. She gives warm hugs, and is always ready to lend a listening ear. She knows Gwen is unhappy with her decisions, but cannot imagine a way to help Gwen see that this is all for the best without marring her daughters image of Ryan.
Zeke is Gwen's oldest sibling. He is 17 years old, and Gwen thinks he's pretty full of himself. He plays guitar in a band with his friends and spends little time at home. When he is home he teases Gwen incessantly, much to her annoyance and his amusement.
Annora is 16 and 100% deaf. She was born without either auditory nerve. Annora is very caring. She loves fashion and often uses Gwen as a sort of live-barbie, which Gwen complains about, but secretly loves.
Grey is just older that Gwen at 14. He likes reading and bicycling. He doesn't get along very well with Gwen because he sees her as an annoying kid-sister.
Iestyn is Gwen's twin, though he is non-magical. He is the prankster of the family, and is constantly pulling practical jokes on his sister, who doesn't mind one bit, and finds them just as amusing as he does, as long as nothing is permanent.
October is the baby of the family. She is nine years old and thinks she knows all there is to know about life. She drives Gwen nuts because she is always trying to tell Gwen what to do.
Gwen's mother (Gemma) met her father (Ryan) in Spain while both were on vacation. Her mother is British, and her father American. They fell in love and Gemma moved to America to be with Ryan. Gwen is the fifth of six children born to Gemma and Ryan.
The Jensen family lived Chappaqua, NY for most of Gwen's life. Her father worked as a lawyer in NYC, but her mother was insistent that a big city was no place to raise children. Therefore they settled 40 minutes away by train and her father commuted every day. When Gwen was nine her parents began arguing all the time, and eventually it led to a divorce. Gemma moved the family back to England in order to be closer to her family for the support she needed.
Annora, having been raised in America, knew only American Sign Language. Rather than try to mainstream her into a hearing school, the family settled in London, close enough for her to attend the American School for the Deaf there. Not being able to afford living in London, they were forced to move into an apartment, too small for the large family. As a result, Gwen doesn't actually have a bedroom. She shares the fold-out couch with her younger sister.
She loves Hogwarts very much, even though in her first term she rapidly aged into an old woman. She enjoys learning, though she wishes it didn't involve so much reading.