Tricksy Hobbitses
Caelen ran her tongue over her braces for what was hopefully the last time before knocking on the door and then sitting on the bench. Not that they were painful or anything, but these Muggle braces were annoying. She wasn't allowed to eat anything that she loved and she was constantly getting food stuck in the metal. And they hurt when they were put on! That was not a fun night. So the Healer HAD to have some way of fixing her teeth, right? That was more practical than transfiguring a goblet into a mirror or something, right? In the twelve year old's mind it was.
Puffing out her cheeks as she waited, the Ravencaw's mind went invariably back to Spencer. Which would HE have done? Would he keep the braces, or would he want them taken off too? Would the boy give her a lecture on how she should accept the braces and who she is, annoyingly short red hair and all? That would be what her mom would do. So hopefully Spencer was not her mom. Because no one wanted to date their mom.
Woah, Merlin's left sock! Who said anything about dating? She didn't? The redhead didn't even like Spencer in that way! He was her best friend besides Paige. But there was one difference between him and Paige. The freckle faced girl didn't blush when she thought of or saw Paige. But that didn't mean anything, right? Maybe it was because she knew him longer? Why was being a preteen so confusing? Maybe she should find him and talk to him. Not about this, of course, but see how a conversation with him went. See if she displayed all of the signs of flirting. That would be great, if the kid knew what the signs of flirting were. And she promised that she wouldn't make this possible crush into anything like an experiment. She wasn't hurting her best friend.
But he wasn't her focus right now. Right now, she wanted to focus on the braces and herself. Find him and deal with all of this later. Right now she had teeth to be exposed and good work to do. Which is why the second year didn't try to find a spell or charm to do this herself. The result would probably break her in half AND get her in trouble. Yes, even pig-headed little Caelen had some sense in her head. No matter what her mother said sometimes.
__________________  People are drawn to you because of your peaceful and nurturing persona. While
quite softspoken, you put the needs of others above your own needs and show
a real empathy for all living things. Your warm heart could keep a blizzard away. |