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Presley Black Gwen was very excited to be back. The summer had been strained, and she was grateful to be back at school where things were easy. Well, sort of. Last year she had been confused the whole time, and then she had gotten really really old, but people here didn't get upset because somebody was magic. They were all magic, so there was no jealousy, no freaking out, it was all positive and Gwen had missed that.
She sat down at the Ravenclaw table and glanced down it. She hadn't really been in contact with anybody over the summer, and now it felt weird to sit by any of them. They might think it was weird, right? So she settled in a space not by anyone in particular and twisted so she could have a good view of the sorting.
Hope stared down the table and gave a small wave to her American friend. It had been a while since she had heard from Gwen. She however turned her attention right back onto Mo.
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Cassirin Hope was a little ray of sunshine, and Mo leaned forward to ruffle her hair and grin in her direction. Why wasn't he being more like her? Mo was all silver linings, but today he was all dark cloud. When had he stopped being more like Hope? When had he LOST Hope?
"Yeah, exactly. We're still a team. It'll have to come back, and when it does, we're going to sweep the pitch them them." And they could all train and play and hang-out and have fun together in the meantime.
"Let's plan something for the common room for tonight."
Hope laughed and ran a hand through her hair trying to fix it back up, after all she had only spent the whole last year with little to no hair. All grey in color.
"Exactly! So let's just keep in shape until then. I vote yoga days on Wednesdays." At least she might be able to keep up this time without her joints hurting.
"Yes! I love it!" She could already see it now. Her and the team just laughing and playing around the common room. They could get food and drinks from the kitchen, although they would probably get their fill at the feast. Who cared? Not her.
"What should we do?"