½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf It pleased her that Bennett was a yes man, good at doing what he was told, following instructions and the like.. excellent, excellent. Of course she hoped Blaise would return from his leave soon, she'd hired him for a reason, and he was needed - now especially.
Pausing in her attempts to spray, Emily flicked her wand at some more items before turning her attention to the wood paneling along the wall. Much of that would need replacing, considering it had been the barrier to the lattice of charms and spells before. Thoroughly ruined. In short time it was banished and the spraying continued.
Of course she didn't expect it to have escaped the damage, what she wanted to know was the extent of the damage to the machine. Of course, she could only imagine, and that much alone was painful. She grunted in response to the Auror, also taking note that he was in fact lifting a finger. At any rate, she was certain he wouldn't be able to answer any more of her questions regarding the instrument, so she figured now was as good a time as any to dismiss him. "Thank you, I'll see to things shortly." Which meant, once she was done with the blasted time sensitive spraying!
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