SPOILER!!: Adi, Elodie, Ana, Lux, Declan :3
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Adi liked being hugged. Yep, hugs were great especially when they came from Els. And not to mention he was now feeling very much proud of her getting that Prefect Badge. He wondered who was the dude Prefect for Hufflepuff. He'd find out sooner or later. "I'm great! Summer was great, too. How was yours? What did you do?'' Ooh, lollipop! "Yes, please!'' He loves anything sweet, ya know.
The third year looked around when two others (Cristoffer) and (Declan) joined their table. It was obviously transfer students because Adi had never seen the guys before though the first one looked a tad bit familiar. "Hello, there. Welcome to Hogwarts and Hufflepuff.'' Speaking of Hufflepuff, the Sorting was going on and he was totally not paying attention. He had to be on the look out for Selena and AJ. He hoped they'd be in Hufflepuff.
Then arrived what was very much obvious was a lost guy (Ethan). He seemed to be around Adi's age. "Yo, dude.'' Adi sniggered as the guy said Smithereens table. "I think you mean Slytherin. They're over there.'' He pointed in the direction. "We're Hufflepuffs.'' This guy was of course another transfer otherwise he won't be lost nor call his House Smithereens. Hehe.
"Leah!'' Adi said when his second year friend arrived. "Hello. This won't be the last time we're talking for the term, right?'' he asked with a wink. Leah would know what he was talking about. As he waited for Els to introduce herself, the third year spoke to Gus. "Where are your manners, Gus? Leah said hi.'' Gus emitted a soft croak. "There. He greeted you back.'' Hehe.
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Each new Hufflepuff got themselves a clap when they had been sorted, and Elodie was in the middle of deciding whether transfers counted as first years in getting two lollipops when she wasn't said HELLO to by her new housemates. HELLO. PREFECT HERE. DO YOU SEE THE BADGE?!?! HELLLOOOO. Was she not wearing it in the optimum place? Could they not SEE it? Was it reflecting badly? Did she not look important enough? She had a clingy little teenager attached to her. SHE WAS IMPORTANT.
"Oi!" Just a little bit louder than it should have been to get their attention, and then she walked towards them, placing a hand on one shoulder of each boys, and peering between them. "Welcome to Hufflepuff, losers. We have lollipops, hot seventh years and you have to wipe for yourself." Forget the rest of the students in the house. They were little and not falling into her category of caring at this present second.
She had attractive new students to look after.
She placed two lollipops in front of both of them, gave their hairs a ruffle and straightened up with her hands on her hips looking for her next lollipopper. A NEW LITTLE CHILD.
A NEW O- A new one being stolen, it seemed. "OI!" Her apparent new go-to thing to greet people with. "Stop stealing my kids!" She liked having people around her, alright, Miss Slytherin. Go back to your own table. Leave. Get outta town. SHOO.
When she'd got close enough, she could easily tell what was happening and shrugged her shoulders, offering them both lollipops. "He can stay sitting here if he wants. It's not like we bite." Plus they had sweets before the real food got started.
"Elodie Robertser." That was her name. DEARLY BELOVED, WE ARE GATHERED HERE TODAY....
No? Wrong timing? Maybe Adi just had friends who were girls. She'd ask him later. Had to keep an eye on her little ones so they didn't get themselves into trouble with girls or boys or whatever. They were like three years old. And now Els was preparing to give Adi the talk about kissing a girl. Had he even done that? Was she behind the times? Was he keeping secrets from her? She'd flash the badge and scare any bad people off, and flash it again to approve the good ones.
"Elodie. Elodie Robertser. And....you are?" Yeah, kid. Who are you? Name, address, date of birth, shoe size, hair length, colour of toenails? ALL OF IT. SPILL. Maybe she needed a form for this. She just continued to pet Adi's hair, keeping him all close like a protective big sister and handed them both lollipops. "I've always got them. They're big help when you're stuck on homework." They weren't really. They just tasted good.
"My summer was grrrreat. I went to look at a few universities and I got to be bridesmaid at my brothers wedding." All the fun stuff. Quote:
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He came to this table because they cheered the loudest? Well, of course they did. They were all nice like that. Or at least most of them seemed to be. Some of them probably weren't.
"Easy mistake," Ana lied, attempting to make the boy feel less embarrassed. She still got lost around the castle after a year, one could hardly blame Ethan for walking to the wrong table. "They were probably paying more attention to the sorting than other houses were, although it's always nice to have new people." Had to make the boy feel welcome and all.
"Yep." At least not too many people would have heard him though. Not that Ana knew why the kid thought their house name was Smithereen. Why would you call a house that? Simple. You wouldn't. Duh.
Ana blinked slightly as Ethan opened up his arms as if to hug her. She was totally down with that. Hugs were great. Wait. Little boy. Why you no hug??? He was so cheating her of hugs! That was not on. Pouting slightly Ana decided to take matters into her own hands, leaning forward and hugging him briefly. There. Much better. Hugs were good and little boy was strange.
Shaking her head slightly in disbelief Ana giggled slightly at the thought of anyone using Smithereens as a battle cry. This kid obviously had strange things going through his mind. "Well, it is something that could be yelled easily. I don't think anyone would use it as a battle cry though."
What was with people and shortening her name??? Anastasia was not that hard to remember or to say. Honestly.
Pouting slightly at the thought of having to tell another person her English nickname she looked to the side before turning back to him. "You can call me Ana or Stasya. Whichever is easier for you to remember and pronounce. And I think I'll stick to Ethan kid." She admired his precocity in telling her she could call him awesome but she definitely wasn't going to do so. Sorry little Ethan.
Say what?
"If I was worried about any house stealing your kids it'd be Gryffindor," since she knew that if Lux was ever able to arrange a resort she'd have defected to Gryffindor. As you can see this one is already one of mine." If anyone should be accusing people of kid stealing it should be Ana accusing the Hufflepuffs for cheering so loudly that they stole a kid. Even if it was accidental.
HI new best friend!
"Thank you," Ana chirped, smiling brightly at the other girl as she took the proffered lollipop. So nice. Such a good idea to come over to the Hufflepuff table. She got sweets. Obvs she needed to be helpful more often if she'd get treats out of it. Even if only coincidentally.
Elodie? Where had Ana heard that name before??
"Nice to meet you," she said, slightly hesitantly as she wracked her brains to discover why she knew that name.
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It was time for Lux to show some House pride.
The young girl skipped along to the Hufflepuff table so that she could show some love and talk to her Housemates.
Spotting Elodie with a snazzy new Badge made her beam because that meant Prefect duties, which was totally awesome. Elodie so deserved it, and this was a great way for her to spend her last year at Hogwarts.
Walking behind the older girl, Lux gave her a hug despite the fact that she was talking to older people. "Hellooooo you with the shiny new Badge." BEAM.
Turning her attention along the table, she spotted Ana in conversation with a boy she had never seen before. More smiles and some hand waving for them.
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Awarlesta Black
Smithereens?? Dec turned to look at the overly-excited boy joining their table. He thought they were the Hufflerpluffs? Is smithereens some sort of house pet name??
Oh, now the younger kid was glancing over at him. Admire all you want, son. He had no problem with being stared at, he always did the same. Ah, yes. The ties. Makes sense now.
Declan leaned in to whisper quietly to the boy, so he doesn't get embarrassed, "I think you might be sitting at the wrong table, mate..."
Before he could imply to him that he should match his tie colors with the banner colors, someone from the Slytherin table came to his rescue. Good. He didn't want to get involved more than he should've.
Dec turned to the new voice nearby, "Uh, thanks a lot. Glad to be here." He said, half-genuinely, smiling slightly. He was going to ask him a quick question about what the heck a Hufflepuff was, but the boy looked a bit busy with the sorting, so he just let him be.
He nearly jumped out of his seat from the scare of the extremely loud 'OI!' from the edge of the table. Dec looked behind him and across from him, trying to see who the loud girl was talking to. It became apparent it was him when she was suddenly in between him and Cris with her hands on each of their shoulders. His eyes traveled to the badge on her robe. Ah, a prefect. Was he in trouble? Did he sit at the wrong table like the smitheerns kid?
Lollipops and hot seventh years, huh? This girl was reading his mind like a book. Cheeky girl, ain't she? "'Nuff said. You've certainly captured my attention." He dallied, taking the lollipop being handed to him.
He ran his fingers through his hair again after the prefect's welcoming ruffle, turning to see who was the sassy girl chirping in. Eh, she wasn't lying and he wasn't going to deny it. "Aye, you sure are." Dec murmured after her, replacing the toothpick in his mouth with the lollipop. This is going to be an interesting year.
Ethan turned to see who it was and lo and behold it was the badged girl bearing GOODIES. And what was up with stealing her children? This is too confusing. Being a transfer can be sooo difficult. But then, she’s got food and she’s bringing it to him.
“MOTHER!!!” Ethan exclaimed totally forgetting that he doesn’t know said girl. All he knew was that she was bearing food for his stomach, so it was just right to call her that. She claimed him anyway.
“…not that you’re really my mother…but foooood!” Ethan said as his eyes sparkled at the sight of lollies.
“Are those for…Ooooh. It's for us!” the thirteen year old beamed and got the glorious edible stuff off of her hands.
“And thanks for letting me stay in your territory.” Because, it was their table.
“Nice to meet you, Elodie Robertser! I’ve got a long name and I’m getting tired of saying it over and over and over…” Pause.
“Yeah, I’m Ethan. Third year. Slytherin dude.” Well, he just had to put that tiny bit of info out, because he thought it was important.
Ana made it sound important so…
He then turned to
Ana and handed her the other treat. Lollipop for his new friend. Yep. He’s nice like that.
“Meeeh. I was hoping for a loud cheer from you guys.” Ethan then made a face.
“Meh. Probably not. Mordred won’t cheer for me even if he was here…” Yeah, that older cousin of his might not even bother. Actually, he will be bothered, what with Ethan ending up in Slytherin.
Ana must have seen his face go sad a little, and his face blushed just a tad when she gave him a brief hug.
“SHELIKESHUGS??!” Ethan’s face went from smiley to smiling ridiculously.
“You like hugs!” This time, he didn’t hesitate and gave her a quick, sloppy, but friendly side hug.
“You’re awesome!” And there he was proving Mordred mentally that not all Slytherins don’t do hugs.
More Yellow People came to their table, and Ethan gave them all a polite nod and smile. It was just proper, right? Being a transfer and all that. He then spotted a girl (
Lux), about his age, who waved at Ana. She’s got a nice smile, and a pro waver too! Awesome!
“Haaaaaaai!” Well, he had to say something at least. He was after all in the wrong table. Might as well throw in some friendly manners while he’s there.
He then got distracted when one of the older boys (
Declan) leaned closer to him and whispered that he was at the wrong table.
“I AM?!” Ethan asked feigning a surprise. The Slytherin then gave the older Hufflepuff a grin and a salute.
“It’s all good, sir! Your mother told me I can stay.” He said as he pointed at Elodie. BEAM.
Then another boy (
Adi) got his attention. He’s probably in the same year as Ethan.
“YO! 'SUP DUDE?” Is that how they call each other here in Hogwarts? Well, he will soon find out. And yes, yes. He’s sitting at the wrong table.
“No worries, dude! Everything has been rectified.” Nod nod.
“Do you have a name? Or do I have to call you ‘Dude’?” Dude is a cool name. Duuuuuude.
“I’m Ethan! A not so cool name...” Instead of a handshake, he balled up his fist for a fist bump and stretched out his arm towards the boy. Mordred will be mortified by his manners, but he’s not there so it’s all good.