Originally Posted by
SilverTiger Well, I know that a few of my charrie bios aren't in the archives (they're under spoilers in the main bio thread), but I do have this Regarding when my charries (plus one of Amanda's) graduated/would have had they not been yanked back out after two terms in the RP. (When I got staffed) Ministry/DA charries don't count if they weren't played in the school RP ... even if they graduated and all
... and if they're under spoilers in the main bio thread they'll be added to the archive thread when your current character graduates
Originally Posted by
Steelsheen Class of '76
and Class of '79
there's someone missing from the Class of '79 btw, its kinda big deal because of who she's related to and that she was once a Hogwarts plot
and yes bios. i actually had Huxley's bio posted but it was in the Ravenclaw Bios thread. (she should belong to Class of '85). if Staff could unearth that and send me a copy i can post it at the thread
who's that? in the class of '79?
And I'll look into copying Huxley's bio thread later today ... unless Joel gets to it first
Originally Posted by
Tegz Paris Greenwood was the same year as Celandine and Chris... class of 72.
Varius Tipps class of 74 is Hufflepuff, not Slytherin
XD and besides this current group of 7th years still has the most played at one time... a lot of those others were abandoned, or picked up at different times, or not played consistently
Still its pretty cool to see!
Paris was a confusing one to figure out cause years didn't make sense and all ...
we tried our best though, but thanks! <3
*goes to make those changes* oh, nvrmnd. Joel got to it ;D