DIMC & DMAC Cockatrice
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| cœur perfide | super prosecutor | Ameh's Squishy SPOILER!!: Ethan Quote:
Originally Posted by Mordred
Food? Please? No?
Ethan sighed as he rubbed his belly absent-mindedly. If it wasn’t for his cousin’s reminders on Ethics, he would have begged the badged girl for one lollipop. Even half. It didn’t help too that he’s wearing the wrong tie…or if he was at the wrong table. What did he know about this Smithereens stuff, and house colors, and house names? “Eeeh. I should have read about the school’s history and stuff.” Ethan made a face and let his face fall flat on the plate before him, sending the cutlery in disarray. “Ugh. I’m not having a good first feast…Pffffffft.” He said as he remained in that position.
Then there was a voice. A female voice who apparently came to his rescue. OHWAIT! So he’s not wearing the wrong tie! He was at the wrong table. “Errgggggh…Jkajdklasjdlksajd;L.”
Ethan closed his eyes in embarrassment and lifted his face off the plate, not looking at the girl who now sat beside him. “No, I didn’t know because them people cheered the loudest when my house got announced, so I thought this was my table.” He said as he gestured to the Hufflepuffs with his hand, then pointed downwards to their table.
HOLYSNAILSAYWHAT?! “I’ve been saying the name wrong all this time?!” That made Ethan blush as red as a tomato. How come nobody corrected him earlier? Well, the Sorting Hat did shout something close to ‘Slytherin’, but he reckoned that the Hat was really old, making its pronunciation of words slurred. You know. Old people do that. Heh. Ethan paused and carved the name in his brain. Oh and look! She’s a fellow Slytherin! How swell! The newly sorted snake opened his arms ready to hug her out of happiness, when it dawned on him that it wasn’t proper. At all. “Well, ‘Smithereens’ is a good battle-cry, don’t you think?” he asked in the hopes of saving himself from all the embarrassment as he retracted his arms and tried his best to look cool.
Ethan. The boy who cried Smithereens. The kid winced slightly and chuckled, wondering what Mordred will say to that.
He likes those things…only she’s got a loooooooooooooooong name to remember. “Do you have a nickname I can call you by?” he asked beaming. “I’mEthanTylerSc--…Mordaunt. But you can call me Ethan, Tyler or just Awesome. That’s cool too.” BEAM. He came to this table because they cheered the loudest? Well, of course they did. They were all nice like that. Or at least most of them seemed to be. Some of them probably weren't.
Sigh. "Easy mistake," Ana lied, attempting to make the boy feel less embarrassed. She still got lost around the castle after a year, one could hardly blame Ethan for walking to the wrong table. "They were probably paying more attention to the sorting than other houses were, although it's always nice to have new people." Had to make the boy feel welcome and all. "Yep." At least not too many people would have heard him though. Not that Ana knew why the kid thought their house name was Smithereen. Why would you call a house that? Simple. You wouldn't. Duh.
Ana blinked slightly as Ethan opened up his arms as if to hug her. She was totally down with that. Hugs were great. Wait. Little boy. Why you no hug??? He was so cheating her of hugs! That was not on. Pouting slightly Ana decided to take matters into her own hands, leaning forward and hugging him briefly. There. Much better. Hugs were good and little boy was strange.
Shaking her head slightly in disbelief Ana giggled slightly at the thought of anyone using Smithereens as a battle cry. This kid obviously had strange things going through his mind. "Well, it is something that could be yelled easily. I don't think anyone would use it as a battle cry though."
What was with people and shortening her name??? Anastasia was not that hard to remember or to say. Honestly.
Pouting slightly at the thought of having to tell another person her English nickname she looked to the side before turning back to him. "You can call me Ana or Stasya. Whichever is easier for you to remember and pronounce. And I think I'll stick to Ethan kid." She admired his precocity in telling her she could call him awesome but she definitely wasn't going to do so. Sorry little Ethan.
Say what? "If I was worried about any house stealing your kids it'd be Gryffindor," since she knew that if Lux was ever able to arrange a resort she'd have defected to Gryffindor. As you can see this one is already one of mine." If anyone should be accusing people of kid stealing it should be Ana accusing the Hufflepuffs for cheering so loudly that they stole a kid. Even if it was accidental.
HI new best friend! "Thank you," Ana chirped, smiling brightly at the other girl as she took the proffered lollipop. So nice. Such a good idea to come over to the Hufflepuff table. She got sweets. Obvs she needed to be helpful more often if she'd get treats out of it. Even if only coincidentally.
Elodie? Where had Ana heard that name before?? "Nice to meet you," she said, slightly hesitantly as she wracked her brains to discover why she knew that name.
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