Mostly for Kennedy. we're here though. | Avid#JennShipper | Flowers& &Butterflies | LoverOfCupcakes
He was here. He'd been here for several minutes now, clapping at those sorted into his house, and kinda the others. He wasnt really bothering himself with anyone else at the table on account of he just wanted to be alone and all. He had a book in front of him you see, his favorite even that he was re-reading for the umpteenth time, Sherlock Holmes.
All that changed though as the now fifth year waited for the speech and food as he heard other kids talking about someone older, what? It had to be a seventh year or a new teacher perhaps. Turning his head, out of mere curiosity, his eyes almost fell out of his head. O_______________________________O
The hell was Kennedy doing here?! Surely Beverly didn't forget anything and he didnt either since he was walking by his table. What. Was. He. Doing. Here?!?! All the possibilities flew threw his mind. He couldnt even imagine, what if he was really taking Beverly out of school?! Had he really offended the guy that much on the platform?!
He was gonna die, no, he was dying slowly as he felt himself getting smaller and seemingly falling into under the table. Kennedy Escalante was here to ruin his life he was sure of it.
Slowly but surely the fifth year made his way under the table, thankfully there was no one sitting on either side of him yet, as he collected his thoughts and courage to face the scary dude.
Last edited by JennMarie; 05-06-2014 at 05:10 PM.
Reason: Jenn can't spell late at night