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Instead of heading over to her House table, Lux made a beeline towards the Gryffindor one. She was more comfortable here, and would still be spending time with her fellow Hufflepuffs later on during the feast.
Spotting Bay already sitting, she joined him on the bench sitting right beside him. He seemed really hungry even though he had some food on the train. "Want some Chocolate Frogs?" she asked him as she patted his back comfortingly. She still had some on her from the train.
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Gryffindor. Gryffindor. Gryffindor!
The voice of the sorting hat echoed the house mane in her head as she skipped over to the Gryffindor table. Louis, Abbi and Bart were all in Gryffindor. So was her dad. He was going to be so proud of her she was happy.
And so was Bay she forgot that he was a lion, too. She spotted him as Lux was already sitting with him of course. That was her besties boyfriend. She waved to both of them "Guess who just got sorted into Gryffindor?" She said proudly to the Gryffinpuff couple. She took a seat because she was that girl.
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Cris finally made his way over to the Gryffindor table...not that he had any problems dragging himself away from his house table. As the only friends he had right now were both sitting at this table, Cris figured he'd join them for awhile.
Spotting first Bay and then Lux, Cris decided to slide in next to the Gryffindor boy. Only problem was he didn't realize the bench was well polished making it a very good apparatus to be sliding on...if one didn't need to stop. Unfortunately, right now, that wasn't in Cris' plans right now. So slide he did picking up speed as he got nearer to Bay.
"Big body coming your way, Bay. Look out!!" Cris called out a warning trying to use his feet as human brakes. Okay this was definitely a good way to make a good impression.
Looking down at his feet he saw that he still had some yellow feathers.. That was the best time ever, being a bird was way to cool. but being chased by a cat now that wasn't fun, at least Grayson was being a good sport about it because they had all been birds. Bay wanted to try it out eventually. Seeing a few fall off he smiled and he heard someone offer him chocolate frogs.
"yes please, my supply is super low" he couldn't wait for them to go to the village so he could buy more.
Munching on his frog he spotted Cinn coming their way!!
"awesome!!!! welcome to Gryffindor!!!" he said as he gave her a big smile, it was nice for her to know some people in her house and she already knew some gryffindors..
"I can't wait to show you around!! your going to love our common room" which was true..
It must have been a side effect from the canary creams, slapping his hands over his mouth his eyes were wide with shock.
"I'm so sorry" he said while laughing, it was such a good thing that other people were talking so maybe his "caww" wasn't as loud as he thought, looking around he heard Cris yell for him to look out.. instinctively Bay thought he could try to fly away..
Flap….flap….flap….. "WHY CANT I FLY?" he screamed as he ended up wiggling on the floor.