SPOILER!!: Nicholas
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"He sounds like a winner," Nicholas observed. He wondered if Sinead's brother was also illiterate.
"Are my parents nice?" It was a bit of a baffling question. 'Nice' seemed to be one of those words with a thousand connotations. When he responded to someone by saying whatever they were saying was nice, for example, he tended to mean that he didn't give a care for the topic of conversation.
"...I suppose they are. And no, I don't have any siblings. When father found out I'd had the audacity to take after my mother's side of the family and be a wizard, he decided not to risk any more wizards or witches. It's for the best." He was supposed to reciprocate questions, that much he knew, "Have you any other siblings? Other than the charming brother you've mentioned?"
"Yes, well... he always wins at football," Sinead agreed.
"Other than that, I hate him and he's the worst brother ever." Seriously. That bad. It seemed to be his favourite hobby making fun of her and her sheep. At least he didn't steal her sweets anymore, like he had when he was ten.
So he had nice parents. Very good.
"Wait... does your pa - father - not like wizards?" she asked puzzledly. When her parents found out she was a witch, they were over the moon. Partly because they were proud, partly because they could get rid of her.
Oh, he had no idea.
"I'm one of seven. SEVEN. And I'm the youngest. It sucks," she said, still not over the fact after eleven and a bit years. She was the baby of the family and her three brothers and three sisters always made fun of her and bossed her around. They tried to, anyway.
"The charming one's my worst brother. The rest are bad, but they don't make fun of Cloudy or her babies." Cloudy was her favourite sheep and by far the fattest.