SPOILER!!: Kyroh and Nigel
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Nigel was actually pretty enthused about the wind wheel and it was true he could have showed it better. Nothing he could do about that now. "Touring in Amsterdam or anywhere really would be amazing. Big Venues or not" If they were good enough. which they were. The big venues would come with time.
Merlin's Saggy left Earlobe. Nigel opened up a can a worms right now. That is what he gets for being a Prefect and having great hair. Soo full of energy and definitely not zen. "Try" See annoying already and annoying and sassy to Ascanius already. Really, this kid had some moxy. "What is you name?"
Now he was bouncing next to Nigel. The only thing he could thing was just don't touch the hair. One thing was certain. His time for a nap was official over.
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Annoy them? Kyroh made a face as he thought, his nose wrinkling in the process. "I don't know how I'd do that....but i'll try not to!" Grinning he slipped fully into the compartment and closed the door.
Rushing over the boy plopped down into the seat next to the window beside the first guy who answered him. The one with the long hair. Weird. His head turned to look out the window but then the other guy spoke. "Uh nooo. I found a whole bunch. The train is loaded with them." Like..duh? "Shouldn't you know that already?" The boy was like...old. "Or is this your first time riding the train too?" Kyroh bounced in his seat, if it WAS he had done an excellent job finding an empty compartment. "All the other ones I found were all full though." Which was why he was here really.
Ascanius found, since it was just a lot of unnecessary effort, he wasn't very quick to violence, yeah? At best he would be aggressive, but only in places that merited that response. The Pitch, any conversation with a Hufflepuff, etc. But this kid was making him want to punch a wall. Of course he knew the layout train. He'd gone here enough years. Kid had some serious nerve.
The seventh year shot Nigel a look. He let the kid sit here. This was on him.
Oh now they were gonna ask names? Jeez. Why didn't Nigel just put a sign on his head that advertised that he wanted to be friends with the nosy, little thing? 'Cause that was basically the vibe that he was sending out.
..................no nap for Ascanius.