Thread: Middle Cars
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Old 05-04-2014, 05:10 PM   #85 (permalink)

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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Staring at a Wall.
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Elias Inkwell
First Year
Snake disguised as Raven Browncoat

SPOILER!!: Glitterlover
Originally Posted by george is cool View Post


Not only was he moody and typical stupid teenager-like, he was RUDE. Staring was rude. When she stared at her brother wearing a bright pink tutu for a dare, she got a slap around the face from him. And now, when this moron stared at her for absolutely no reason, nothing.

Why was he staring? What had she said? Uh... she didn't read anything. Maybe that was odd to him? Sinead hadn't meant it TOTALLY literally, but in all honesty she hardly ever read except for when she had to at school.

"I read sometimes," she said hesitantly, bemused my his expression and scared of what he'd do next. Teenagers were unpredictable monsters. "But I'd just rather be outside. Eating. Or playing with sheep." It was NORMAL. Whatever Nicholas-not-Nick said. He didn't know ANYTHING at all! He didn't have very good social skills either. At least, he wasn't disproving that to her.

But all the evidence led to her conclusion. That this was all some sort of weird project to turn her into an evil witch. However, she should give the school the benefit of the doubt for the sake of enjoying herself and the opportunity to get away from her siblings. "Did you research this?" she asked. If he had, he would have all the proof that this was E-V-I-L.

"There will be glitter," Sinead nodded certainly. And if there wasn't, she'd bring it herself. As soon as she learnt the glitter-explosion-making spell.

Well, at least she was a little embarrassed about her avoidance of the written word. That was how he chose to take it, anyway, but rather than press the point of how valuable literacy was he let it go at that. She was, after all, still a very young child. Plenty of time to learn that sheep weren't the be all and end all of valuable ways to spend one's time.

"Research it? No, I just read the paper and listen to..." gossip. Not admitting that ever, he amended, "discussions from people around me. I suppose if you're so concerned, you'd have to ask yourself if your parents would wittingly send you to a place full of evil people and wicked spells."
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