SPOILER!!: Sinead
Originally Posted by
george is cool
Of course, the important task of finding sweets came before finding a compartment, since her mother had refused to give her any from home because she'd get too hyper. It hadn't been so bad though, since wizards had THE coolest sweets ever.
Sinead had bought as many as she could afford and then stuffed them in her backpack. Now, this was the time to find a compartment. Unfortunately, the queue for sweets had been very long and it seemed everyone had sat down while she was waiting. Now where could she sit?!
Most people sat in groups or pairs and she couldn't just INTRUDE on their potentially vitally important conversations! So when she came across an older boy sitting all on his own, she grinned happily!
Just as she was pushing open the door to get in, she heard him comment on something being lovely. "What's lovely?" she asked, taking a seat opposite him. He wouldn't mind her sitting down. Otherwise he'd be lonely! And nobody should be lonely, that was horrible.
"Hi, I'm Sinead!" she added, remembering the manners her mam always went on about. "Who are you? What year are you in? Is Hogwarts good?"
Before she could decide whether they could be friends, she needed to know about him! Like if he was mean, she would have to find somewhere else.
For a moment or two Nicholas wasn't sure what had happened. Then he glared at the remains of his ineffective barrier, blaming it wholeheartedly for tumbling apart and letting this small child into his little space of solitude.
Distracted by his lacking architectural skills, Nicholas muttered, "I've misplaced my lunch."
Then he was brought back to himself by her torrent of questions, and swallowed the impulse to swat at her as a cat would swat at an overly excited puppy. He had decided, after all, to be disdainful of this whole experience, and the enthusiasm Sinead was displaying had the possibility of being contagious.
Still, he supposed he'd better balance disdain with manners, and answered her questions, "I'm Nicholas. I'm meant to be a fourth year, but I've been home schooled to this point so I've no idea if Hogwarts is 'good' or not. Did you know half the student populace were ready for a geriatric ward by the end of last term?"
At least, that was the impression he'd received from the Daily Prophet. He hadn't intended to add an invitation for gossip, but that was his mother talking.