DIMC & DMAC Cockatrice
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| cœur perfide | super prosecutor | Ameh's Squishy SPOILER!!: Lady Lux Quote:
Originally Posted by Squishy Giggle. Lux had to admit that Ana was on to something, because being a totally proper lady seemed rather dull. "I like dresses now and looking pretty, but I still love sports and being competitive." Lux was never opposed to getting her hands dirty and doing hard work; this girl loved Herbology class with all it's pretty flower planting and such. As Ana went on to talk about the proper shoes to wear, Lux furrowed her brow and stretched her legs out, looking at the ballet flats on her feet. "Maybe I could try that, but I don't have any of those shoes at the moment." Was it worth it to ask Willa to send her some? Maybe not seeing how things had been between them lately.
It was a good thing that Ana had not called her a child, because Lux certainly was not little anymore as much as some people wished she was. "I really take after my mother more than anything. I hope she ages well, and that I do too... But it's okay if I don't, because I don't have a huge problem with getting wrinkles and grey hair as long as it isn't when I'm still young." That was why last term was so freaky; everyone looked sixty years older than they really were. It was almost as if someone had used a really powerful Time-Turner. Wait... doppelgänger? "What's a doppelgänger?" Was this another Russian word?
More giggles. "I know! Cucumbers are so refreshing. Bay doesn't like them though." Which was totally fine, of course. Teasing and friendly complaining aside, the girl understood and respected people's differing opinions on food. Bay liked to do the opposite thing, and teased her sometimes for liking cucumber sandwiches. It was rather funny. "Maybe we can get Terry to like them, so that at least one of us has a boyfriend who is a fan of them!" Of course if that didn't end up happening, Lux would be totally cool with it.
A big smile formed on Lux's face. "It was wonderful, and Bay asked me out that day before my party." It had been so nice. "I really hope that you can, but I understood why you couldn't go last time. My friend Bart missed it too, because he had a stroke at the end of last term." He seemed to be doing better now, so that made her happy. Lux wondered where Bart was; she missed him. "Dresses and looking pretty are about the only things I liked about the etiquette lessons my babushka insisted we all had to take. Besides dance that was. I love dancing, and ballet. Although that might have more to do with the fact that my aunt Amélie was a ballet dancer and teaches it now," Ana mused, tone fond as she mentioned her family members, despite the fact that she was complaining slightly about having to behave like a proper lady. She'd always liked fashion though and even though she'd wear tights and jeans like every other girl at some point she preferred being in dresses. It made her feel feminine. "Hmm, well what shoe size do you take? I'm sure I can find some of those shoes for you to at least practice in if it's something you'd like to do?" Ana asked, looking down at Lux's feet. They looked to be around the same size as her own, maybe a little bit smaller. "Well then your mother must be a beautiful lady," Ana opined since she thought Lux was quite pretty, if not beautiful yet. "I don't resemble my mother much at all, come to think of it none of us really resemble her all that much. Katya looks a lot like her but Sasha, Liza and I all take after papa's family," which Ana wasn't displeased about. Although her mamushka was good looking Ana didn't much want to resemble her. Just in case it stirred up ill feelings. Huh? She didn't know what a doppelgänger was? Seems like Ana would have to explain it. She took a few minutes to think of what the best way to explain a doppelgänger would be before she opened her mouth to respond. "A doppelgänger has come to mean a few different things. In old German culture a doppelgänger was said to be a harbinger of death. When you saw your doppelgänger you would soon die. Other times it's seen as simply meaning bad luck will befall someone. A doppelgänger is your exact double, whether that double be a ghost or simply another person who could be your twin, although in most cases you've never met them before. I could be considered my babushka's doppelgänger under the meaning that I look nearly exactly as she did at my age. The only difference is that I have my mamushka's eye colour," Ana explained, hoping that Lux wouldn't be put off by her explanation of the term. "Well I'm not so sure that he doesn't like cucumbers so much as he just doesn't see the point of having a sandwich with only cucumber's on it. He did refuse a bite of mine one time though, but he had his own sandwich so that might have been why..." she mused, giving a slight shrug. She didn't much mind if Terry liked cucumber sandwiches. Not really. Everyone had different tastes in food and Ana certainly didn't like all the foods that Terry did. For example she thought that Yorkshire Pudding was disgusting, although she wasn't sure why she didn't like it.
Ana held in the urge to squee at the news that Bay had asked Lux out on the day of her party, although she couldn't stop herself from giving the other girl another brief hug in happiness. She sobered however when Lux mentioned a boy who'd had a stroke. It showed the real damage that last term had done to people because if Ana remembered correctly Bart had also been affected by the healers' negligence. She couldn't remember ever speaking to the boy but she'd seen him in classes and her heart ached for him, even if only briefly since Ana could well admit that she wasn't the kindest nor most sympathetic of people. "I didn't know that he'd had a stroke. Is he feeling any better?" Ana asked, tone subdued, and face showing that her concern for the boy was genuine, if not deep.
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