Anyone <3 To PIGFARTS and beyond! ♥ Where the sky is blue ♥
Sinead had been on her way to find a compartment somewhere, but then she saw students with sweets. So first of all she had this cool magic power. And she was going to a cool magical school to learn more magic. And now, they had THE coolest sweets ever. There were creepy little frogs made of chocolate and licorice and lots and lots of jellybeans! Obviously then she hurried to find the SOURCE of all the sweets, a cute trolley.
As she waited in the line, eager to waste all of her money on sweets for the journey, she digged in her pockets for money. Where did it all go?
And what was an innocent little Irish girl without sweets? Nothing. She was absolutely nothing. Luckily, it wasn't too long until she found the few coins at the bottom of her backpack. Sinead sighed in relief. Panic over. Everything was okay. Except having to wait in this line.
Eventually, she got to the front and happily surveyed the large selection of sweets. Why could they not have sweets like this at home? Wizards just suddenly got automatically cooler when she saw the sweets! They were amazing! "Uh... I'll have three chocolate frogs, a packet of those jellybeans and a licorice wand, please!" she beamed. then she could try to find a compartment with other small people and feast on all these! "Thank you!" Then she moved out of the way of the queue and ripped open a pack of jellybeans. Finding a seat could wait.