SPOILER!!: Jasmine
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Jasmine arrived at the food trolley to find a long line of apparently very hungry students. Taking her place at the end of the line, she amused herself by checking out the others around her. People watching was fun and she thought maybe she could learn something by observing the other students. Getting hungrier by the minute, Jasmine waited and watched. She had the feeling that this school was going to be unlike any that she had attended.
Cris hastily made his way to the Food Trolley to catch up with Jasmine. When he finally spotted her, he quickly slowed down and casually walked up to join the long line of fellow students.
Hi. I decided that I would come and get something after all. Mind if I join you?" Cris asked the girl. Even as his heart was beating fast, and he was feeling awkward, looking outwardly calm, Cris peered over at the selection of food the Trolley had to offer.
He kept in mind what he wanted before turning back to look at Jasmine.
It's now or never, Cris. Just get it over and done with,' Cris told himself. Rubbing his neck with his hand, he first formulated his apology and when he thought he was ready, he whispered so that only she could hear what he had to say.
Um, Jasmine I want to apologize to you. Back there in our cabin...," Cris gestured over to the somewhat vicinity where Bay and Lux were waiting for them, "
....I realized that I kept mentioning my family, especially my brother's name a lot. It never once dawned on me that you don't even know who they are. I'm sorry if that made you feel awkward in any way."
Cris paused to look around before turning back to her. "[b]I don't know whether you've noticed or not, but I tend to run off at the mouth when I'm nervous...just like I'm doing now,[b]" Cris belatedly realized and immediately gave her a embarrassed smile.
To be honest, I'm kinda nervous about going to Hogwarts. It will be a new school for me too, even though I chose to come here. Sander...that's my oldest brother, attended Hogwarts last year and that's when he met Bay, Lux, his girlfriend Tessa and his other best friend, Alex. If he hadn't, I wouldn't know anyone at all...except for you, of course," Cris confessed to Jasmine.
Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks for being my friend," he smiled warmly at her.
He looked at the treats on the Food Trolley again and began to grin.
So you do like eating Cucumber Sandwiches?" he asked her, a glint of mischievousness in his eyes.