♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<# Quote:
Originally Posted by Saiai Ana had opened her book to the chapter she'd gotten up to last time she'd been reading, quickly getting lost in Solzhenitsyn's masterpiece. Aleksandr had given her the book at the beginning of Summer, though Ana hadn't really had the time to read much of it but she was loving it so far. Solzhenitsyn was almost on the same level as Tolstoy!
Just as Ana finished the chapter a voice interrupted her reading and she looked up, a welcoming smile on her lips. "Of course you can Lux," she said warmly, happy to see the younger girl again. "You don't need to ask," she added, as she marked her spot in the book with a piece of ribbon before putting it down on the seat next to her so that she could give her friend her full attention. As soon as Ana had given her approval, Lux bounded into the compartment and took a seat beside the other girl. "I thought it was good to be proper," she said with a laugh before pulling her friend into a hug. Even though they had seen each other recently, it had felt like ages. Besides, Ana gave some of her favourite hugs though of course Bay's were the nicest.
Stretching her legs out in front of her, Lux got herself comfortable on the seat. "So you excited to go back? Where is Terry?" She had not spoken much to him, and always felt that it would be great to get to know him better. Hopefully that would happen this term, and no one else would start ageing again because that would be dreadful. Once was enough, and Lux never wanted to witness it again.
Things at Hogwarts were going to be perfect, she kept telling herself. |