SPOILER!!: Jasmine
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Jasmin was relieved when Cris invited her to have a seat. "Thanks", she said smiling back at him. She was just about to take the seat across from Cris when someone else entered the compartment. Turning around, she saw that it was Bay, one of the boys she had met on the trip to Peru. "Hi Bay", Jasmine said. "It's good to see you again." She was happy that she was able to sit with two people that she already knew. If the rest of the students at Hogwarts were as nice as these two, maybe the year would be OK.
Moving over to the seat opposite Cris, Jasmine sat down and looked for Bay to follow. Before he could make a move a pretty girl appeared in the doorway of the compartment. She seemed to know Bay and Cris and greeted everyone enthusiastically. After Cris made introductions, Jasmine stood to greet the girl. "Hi Lux. It's very nice to meet you." She hoped that she was off to a good start and would meet lots of new people and make lots if friends at Hogwarts. Looking at Cris, Jasmine wondered how he had so many friends already when he was new just like she was.
After our not so safe but interesting school trip, I was afraid I wasn't going to see you on the tra.....I mean I was afraid that you'd change your mind about coming to Hogwar...." Cris stopped mid-sentence when he realized he was stammering again.
He took a deep breath and waited a few seconds for his brain to catch up with his mouth, before he spoke again. "
What I meant to say, is that I'm glad to see you here...on this train...um...with all of us," he quickly finished his sentence.
Swallow me floor. Right here, right now, before I make bigger fool of myself!
He turned to Bay, glad for the momentary distraction.
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Before anyone could talk he felt hands go over his eyes and that very familiar voice he knew all to well said "guess who" laughing he grabbed her hands from his eyes and kissed the instead of each. Turning around he picked her up and gave her a huge hug. "I turned around for one second and you were gone." he wasn't mad at her but it totally made him sad. Moving in the compartment he spotted that Jasmine had moved over for him.. "Thanks" he said as he brought Lux with him.
"so hows everything Cris?" he asked as he looked out the window, the view was amazing as always. Oh and there he goes again being totally forgetful and rude.. "yes sorry Jasmine this is my girlfriend Lux, she's in Hufflepuff" he pretty much had said everything that Cris had just said but he felt rude if he didn't introduce his own girlfriend, geeezzz AND OHHHH!!!!!!! reaching into his bag he pulled out a brown paper bag then name on it read LUX he passed it over to her "This is from my mother, I'm pretty sure you can guess whats in it" he laughed. Bay thought it was so cute that his mother had packed Lux some cucumber sandwiches.
Looking back at both Cris and Jas he smiled, "sooooo…. yeah what did you guys do after the school trip?" pulling Ziggy (his blue pygmy puff) out of his hood he placed him on his lap to give him some treats because he was being such a good boy. Patting his head he kind of thought that Cris and Jas would make a really cute couple, but he would keep that to himself for now. But he would be interested to see if anything happened.
Cris laughed when he saw Bay hand over a brown paper bag to Lux. "
Let me guess. There's cucumber sandwiches inside that bag." Cris commented eyeing the bag.
Well one thing you don't have to worry about, Lux, is me taking any of them from you. I'm still trying to figure out how you and Sander can like eating those sandwiches. They don't taste nice at all...if they did have any taste...which they don't," Cris grinned over at his younger friend.
Then he realized how Bay had introduced Lux. GIRLFRIEND!!
I knew it! Girlfriend huh? So you guys are a couple now. Sander called it right about the both of you. He told me to tell him the moment I found out. I must remember to tell Sander this when I send Asgard home. I know Sander will be happy when he hears the news," Cris sat back grinning at both his friends.
He especially made me promise to keep a look out when you guys kiss. He still remembers the grief, Lux here, would give him every time he and Tessa kissed...which they still do by the way," Cris told everyone as he rolled his eyes dramatically.
After the school trip, I got to accompany Sander over to St. Petersburg to check out his new school and the team he'll be playing with. They are a tough group, but I think he'll do well there. I still can't believe he's doing two things at the same time. Play professional ice hockey and pursue his studies at the Wizarding University over there. I don't know whether I could do that," Cris shook his head, baffled at his older brother's persistence.
QUOTE=Squishy;11601431]Giggling, Lux knew that Bay would know that it was her; otherwise he would be a terrible boyfriend, which he wasn't! He was an awesome one. Beaming as he kissed her hands then gave her a big hug, she was so happy that she had found him; she did not want to stop hugging Bay. "I know! I'm just glad I found you again!" She was sad when she saw he wasn't there anymore, but she had known she would find him while exploring, so everything was awesome! ^____^
Walking inside with Bay, she took a seat beside him. It was so wonderful to be on this train sitting with wonderful people. "So how are you doing Cris?" As introductions were made, she waved at the new girl. She was pretty and seemed nice. "Hey, Jasmine. It's very nice to meet you too. Are you new here?" She had a feeling, but didn't want to presume in case she wasn't. "So did you guys all meet on the trip to Peru?" That seemed like an awesome trip, and she was just about to ask more about it when Bay gave her a bag with her name written on it.
"Awesome! I really am needing my lunch." Happily, she reached her hands in and grabbed one of the sandwiches before unwrapping it and starting to eat. After swallowing the first mouthful, she said, "your mom is awesome." She was such a nice woman; both of his parents were nice.
Yes, Lux I met up with Jasmine and Bay on the school trip. Too bad you were too young to come along. You would have loved it. We got to watch the sunset, fell down a mudslide, got chased by Mountain Trolls and got to explore El Dorado's secret cave. Jasmine over here was awesome. She didn't even freak out when she fell down the mud or when the Mountain Trolls attacked us. She's my kind of girl....I mean she's the kind of girl that should go on school trips like this," Cris nodded affirmingly, quickly correcting himself.
So what did you do, Jasmine, after the school trip...and you too guys...besides dating each other?" he asked the others with a wide grin on his face.