He smiled.
It is awesome. I've had lots of fun earning points. Not so much fun losing them. I think I lost 14 or 19 points last term. Don't rightly remember which. I made the potions master angry when I spilled my potion. Wasn't my fault though. The boy I was with didn't like me. Course the feeling was a little mutual. He was a right silly git. At her question, he saw a little sadness there. Smiling to reassure her he responded
Of course. Not all the time though. The houses each have their own places in the castle. The Hufflepuff House students stay in one level under (at least I think it's one level) under the ground level on the same level with the kitchen. I think the Slythies are below us and then I don't know where the other two houses are. But when we're not in our respective house places, we can hang out. I've even seen kids go between tables in the Great Hall, except for the large feasts.
He shrugged.
I know. I wanted to. As they walked along the corridor, he shook his head no.
I don't think so. I think most of the compartments are similarly suited. The only one we can't go into is the prefects compartment. At least I don't think so. Never really tried.
He was startled when she yelled. Then he was introduced to a girl that looked JUST like AJ, except more girly. He gave a sheepish wave at Angel, surprised that there were two girls in the world that looked EXACTLY alike...and he was rather sheepish with new people.