Originally Posted by iBeJenn Ellinia clutched her snow globe close to her chest as she peered through the compartment doors. Hogwarts. She had never thought that would happen. Ellinia had spent most of the summer helping her parents move into the new house after moving from California. She had not been expecting to move anywhere remotely close the magical school at all. Nope. She didn't even know that she would be moving here. If she was supposed to go to a magic school, she was pretty sure she would've ended up in Salem. Because surely that school was closer than a whole ocean.
Nope. She ended up moving across that ocean and large land mass and ending up here. She was on a train. A magic train. And it was going to be a magic school. Magic. Ellinia Calypso Lexington had magic. She had not been expecting that all.
Cradling the snow globe carefully under one arm, Ellinia slid open a door to an empty compartment and sat down. She placed the snow globe on her lap before shaking it. The snowy white glitter sparkled before it landed on a castle. The Hogwarts castle. Her mommy had given her that as a good luck present for her first year away. And it was sparkly.
Oooh... snow... Lucy made her way to the back of the train carriages .. she did not want to leave her snowy owl too long alone and a certain point, as she passed in the corridor, she saw something gleaming, a white and gold glitter.. she turned around and saw a girl holding a snow globe in her hand .. Lucy, overlooking on the door of the compartment, said: "It' s really wonderful your snow globe..it is very sparkly! I love so much the snow globes!The snow globes make me daydreaming!..Oh I'm Lucy,this is my first year here and I'm a first year..What's your name?"said Lucy, giving her hand to the girl..
Last edited by BanaBatGirl; 05-04-2014 at 02:51 AM.