Originally Posted by
sarahlooo Apparently he had also caught the kid under his feet. Whoops? After making sure the frog wasn't, like, DYING, Piers stood up, making sure to hold onto it so it wouldn't escape. "Sorry," Piers said to the other boy, holding the frog to his chest and extending his free hand to help him up. He was nice when he wasn't chasing things. Plus, his mum was somewhere on this street, and she'd probably found out if he had hurt somebody.
Was the frog his? "Uhhh..." Just as he was thinking about how to answer he saw, up the street a ways, one of the Menagerie workers stalking down the street with a very furrowed unibrow. Most likely looking for him and that frog. His eyes widened. "No. I mean yes. But no. Here, you can have it. Now it's yours." Piers shoved the frog over to the other kids chest and hid behind him as the worker came closer. Before the man could find them, they needed to hide, now that he had included this random boy in his thievery. Oops?
So he grabbed the kid by the color and dragged him into the robes store with him. He was too young to get arrested. Especially over a toad.
Javy merely looked up at the boy who seemed to be perfectly fine. Good, he didn't have to look weak by showing care.
Sorry. He then blinked. That was weird to him, as not many were quick to apologise after knocking someone down to get what was supposedly theirs. "
..Thanks," Javy got up before brushing himself off. See, he had some strength in him.
Now Javy had a reason to be suspicious of him, with the delay on the answer.
Uhhhh, yeah that's a no. What is up with him? He couldn't help but think while noticing the strange behavior.. and then he admitted it. "
Oh.. I get it." Stolen frog, need to hide. Javy knew this game well, from hiding items back home. Accepting the frog before stuffing it in his shirt pocket.
The grabbing by the collar was overkill to Javy on the hurriedness though, making him swat his hand away. "
I got it man, relax.." Casually looking behind to see if anyone was onto them. Last thing they needed was to get the shopping clerks inside suspicious. "
So where'd you get him at?" That way he knew which shop to avoid today.