Thread: City Park
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Old 04-30-2014, 08:24 PM   #108 (permalink)
Hey Ju

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Text Cut: How do you find a word that meeans Mariiaaa? *sings*
Originally Posted by hermionesclone View Post

Smirk all you want, Cattermole. She rolled her eyes at that but there was a smile on her face while she did so. This man, seriously.

That half smirk and half smile was her sense of achievement. Maybe it was a sign that this really was doing wonders for his ego. Probably Did he smirk or smile a lot? Really, she had no idea. Flashes of previous times when he had been infuriatingly adorable came back to her. And she was funny? "Not many people have said that to me so thank you, Jared." Smiles were given and more mental points for the former Ravenclaw. "It might have a lot to do with your laugh. It's a nice one." Meaning laugh more please.

They really were lucky that it was the summer. Maria mused on this as she looked over towards the duck pond where the sun was reflecting off of the water. "Lucky, yeah." And what was this about different options? Green eyes back on you, Jared, and raised eyebrows too. Heh. Options and creativity. "Okay, Cattermole, I'm listening. What are these, ah, creative options you'd have in store?" And if it was what she was thinking of, then he was very lucky that she didn't have anything nearby to throw at the man. Nothing like a pillow. "Didn't know you were such a flirt." Smirk.

The shopkeeper merely nodded and made a mental note to keep up the funny side. And to think she didn't think of herself as the funny type. Merlin, it was like he was challenging her! Almost like a challenge of wits. Smiling at the thought, she kept her eyes on the man when he started talking about flowers and meanings and things he would do. "That's... that's really..." She was lost for words. Maria Jennings. Lost for words. Her cheeks flushed once more but she kept her eyes on the man. He wasn't lying, was he? It didn't matter. Not knowing what to say, she leaned over.................

............... and.....................

...................... placed a kiss on his cheek.

"You're being very adorable, Jared Cattermole."

Her shop was her world? SNORT. "Har har, funny!" Only pretending to be mad, she was. "Good good. I have an intern there this summer. A sixteen year old from Beauxbatons." And no more pansies were given to her by any other strange men so there was that. Merlin, Jared and his winks. She really was going to resemble a tomato after this. "Your lady. I like that."

"You're very welcome." Jared smiled at Maria and finished his cauldron cake. And she said his laugh was a nice one??? Hah! That highly amused him and he raised his eyebrows at her. "Look at you, Maria Jennings, learning to be nice." He said jokingly and then gestured to the rest of the snacks in front of them. "You may help yourself as a reward." He joked again, this time getting a piece of crystalised pineapple and popping it whole into his mouth.

She wanted to know about the creative options the rain would give them. Jared laughed before answering. "We would have to be spontaneous, wouldn't we?" Truth be told, he was the type of person who liked planning in advance, but not everything. There were a few moments in life he believed the best thing to do was improvisin. "You will find out if, perhaps, it starts raining." He added, giving her a quick wink and getting another crystalised pineapple for himself. Merlin, those things were good. His favourite, even. The former Ravenclaw chuckled at Maria's remark of him being a flirt. "Not always, no." But she knew that, didn't she? She had experienced Jared's 'other side' when they first met after all those years.

What happened next actually surprised Jared. And he didn't consider himself to be very easily surprised. Maria was speechless? What a nice surprise! In fact, it made Jared quite proud of himself. He was about to tease her, bragging about the fact when she suddenly leaned forward to... he turned his head SLIGHTLY to face her and the kiss that she intended to be only on his cheek happened to be placed on the corner of his lips.

Remember all about him planning in advance and whatnot? Exactly. He could do this quite fast as well. Mind you, Jared Cattermole was rarely caught off guard. He smirked and gave her a thank-you nod at her comment on him being adorable. He should probably have gotten used to being refered to as 'adorable', but that word still sounded odd to him. 'Adorable' was too feminine of a word. But then again, it was probably a woman thing to call everything 'adorable'. Jared could deal with that, he supposed.

Jared listened as she talked about her shop. See? Her shop was her world, even if she said it wasn't. Heh. "Beauxbatons? Interesting. How is her English?" He assumed it was a female student, because... he always related Beauxbatons to girls, for some reason. And..... boom! She liked being called that, did she? Hah! Jared half-smirked, half-smiled again. "Well, perhaps we should make that official then." He added casually, popping another crystalised pineapple into his mouth and chewing away as he admired the pond. He was just playing casual, of course. He truly was observing her every move from his peripheral vision.

Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
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