Join Date: Jun 2010 Location: GMT +3
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| Ravenclaw House Mod Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War | A B R A H A M. K. B O T R O S.  Graphics by BanaBatGirl. Thank you, Ro. <3
Model: Sir Michael Caine ✗ Full Name Abraham Kareem Botros (a.k.a Ab) ✗ D.O.B. 14th - August - 2003 ✗ P. O. B. England, Birmingham. ✗ Residence UK, London. ✗ Heritage Pureblood. ✗ WandEbony with Dragon core, 14 ¼ inches, slightly yielding. ✗ Patronus Eagle. ✗ Description Hair: after I got 60? Grey.
Eyes: blue.
Height: 6'2"
Figure: .... Big.
Extras: slightly big ears. And those new gums and teeth you see? for 107 galleons only! ✗ PersonalityAbraham is a quiet man with high manners and love for old-fashioned etiquette. He's one who'd rather be out enjoying the green fields or blue sky rather than exploring what the city of man has for him. He doesn't tolerate rudeness or shouting, and he most certainly loves kids and has a knack to get closer to them in his own way.
He does, however, have a mysterious side and hidden whims. Beside his cane which he occasionally carries around, Ab likes to collect trivial items in his home or work that hold a special memory or event. One of his greatest collecting obsessions is collecting pocket hankies. ✗ Academic life ✎Hogwarts for Witchcraft & Wizardy (2014 -2021)
• House: Hufflepuff.
• OWLs: Charms O, Transfiguration EE, Potions O, Herbology O, Ancient Runes EE, DADA EE, Astronomy EE, Muggle Studies O, and History of Magic EE.
• NEWTs: Charms O, Potions O, Herbology O, Ancient Runes O, DADA O, Charms EE, History of Magic EE, Muggle Studies O. ✎University Degrees
• Edinburgh, Scotland WU - Primary & Secondary Wizarding Education. (2023 - 2027)
• Istanbul, Turkey WU - Pre-Healer Studies. (2036- 2041)
• Cairo, Egypt WU - Rune Study. (2038-2043) ✗ Occupation✎ Madrast Al-Sehr, Alexandria
• English-as-a-Second Language Teacher. (2021- 2030)
• Adjunct Teacher (2041 - 2045)
• Student Affairs Director (2046 - 2049) ✎ WU, Cairo
• Professor of Rune Study: the Well of Wayd (2050 - 2078). ✎ Hogwarts for Witchcraft & Wizardy
• Ancient Runes professor (2080 - present). ✗ Family xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxAbraham Botros xx+xxDeborah Botros (Deceased witch)
Sally Russ (née Botros)xxxxxxOwen BotrosxxxxxxJulianne BotrosxxxxxxJanet Botros ✗ Favorite...Food: White rice with okra in tomato sauce. Color: Beige, Sienna and their shades. Hobby: Classic music & travel. Clothing: Pocket handkerchief. Pet: Dog/Crup. Muggle Device: cordless telephone. Occasion: Independence of Wizarding World. Name: Deborah. Sentence: back when I was a boy Never say never. ✗ Extra - A cane usually is seen with him even though he can walk on his own.
- He has a special thing with pocket hankies. Do not mock the hanky.
- Can be
VERY a biiiiiit forgetful. - Thinks there's so much anger in current young generation.
✗ History How much time have you got? |