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Old 04-28-2014, 09:07 PM   #3 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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III. Infractions and Penalties
All members on each team are expected to act with decorum both on & off SS website. Any abuse or perceived unsportsmanlike conduct behavior by any member of a House (player or not) can result in House Point deduction, detention, banning from the Gobstones club, loss of the match, and/or expulsion from the site. So be nice kiddos, we don't want to do any of that.
Editing and/or Multiple Answers
No player should EVER edit their posts or post their answers more than once. This will automatically result in the opposing house getting the point. Grammar does NOT count overall (within reason), as long as the advisor knows what you meant or it is close. If there is concern or disagreement on an answer or question see the section on how to contest it with the advisors and staff.

If more than one student from the same house answer a question, the points go to the other house regardless of their answer. However, if the time gap between the two (or more) same-house answers is less than 5 minutes, then it won't be a penalty. Just be sure to refresh before you post because repeatedly posting answers together will have consequences.
Illegal Posting in the Match Thread
Five (5) house points will be deducted if someone other than one of the houses playing posts in the match thread. Repeat offenders will be placed in detention and/or banned from the Gobstones Club.
IV. Responsibilities and Question Disputing
As house leaders, Prefects should be promoting the Gobstones Club to their houses and making housemates aware of upcoming matches which includes rps and Common Room notices when possible.
Disputing a Question Process
As a student representing your house in the gobstones matches, it is your responsibility to communicate with the Advisor of that match should a situation arise, which may include, but not limited to, disputing a question. If you have a problem with how a situation was handled or that you believe a question was awarded to the other house wrongly, please follow the steps below:
1. Remain calm. There is no need to start an angry mob--it's not the end of the world.

2. Create a PM where you state clearly and politely what the problem is (include links to post when possible) and how you think this could be righted, (whether it be the correct answer you think or something similar), and send it to BOTH Gobstones advisors AS WELL AS a third member of staff (preferably Jessiqua, Charely Potter, kayquilz, hermionesclone because of their Head of House positions; School Admin Zoe, Cassirin or grangerfan8 will be contacted last if there is a stalemate. Your PM should be sent to all three people at once to ensure that the same thing has been said to everyone.
An announcement will be made letting players know if a question is being contested that way everyone knows why game-play has come to a stop.

If a question is thrown out, a new question of the same point worth and difficulty level will be added to make up for it.

Last edited by Nordic Witch; 09-05-2016 at 04:31 PM.
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