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Old 04-27-2014, 08:50 AM
Nordic Witch Nordic Witch is offline
staffed shop Eagle Comrades. Mentoring Sign Ups!

Credits: Magical Soul

Eagle Comrades!

Welcome Ravenclaws to a new exciting year at Hogwarts!

Eagles as you may or may not know are known around Hogwarts for being the most intelligent and devoted friends that Hogwarts can offer. It is for this reason that you're invited to take part in a new and hopefully exciting aspect of being a Ravenclaw! Eagle Comrades!

Here's how it works: you post in this thread some basic information about your character and we match you up with another member of Ravenclaw House (either younger/older depending on your character ). After you're matched up, then you get the opportunity to hopefully make a new RP friend and someone you can mentor (if you're the older character), or someone you can look up to you (if you're the younger character). This new bond can serve as a homework buddy, meal buddy, or whatever you'd like really.

So what are you waiting for?! Sign up below and let the fun begin!

Originally Posted by Eagle Comrade Form

Special skills/hobbies/interests:
Strongest Subject:
Weakest Subject:
Anything else you wish to add:

OOC: Sign ups will remain open until May 18th.