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Jorge watched the kid for a bit. Did he have to think about the answer? Though Jorge could understand that and he nodded, "Well it's good to try new things. Figure out what you really want to do. I remember being like that." He had been fully into wanting to be an auror, but that changed and writing shined as his passion. Leaning back in his chair he though maybe this kid would be worth his time. As egotistical as he was he was pretty good with kids and younger adults.
"Seventh year, now that's exciting." This was exciting, this boy.. What was his name again? Could get him some of the info he needed. "Alright, so you want to be a journalist. I know Tori probably has something up her sleeve for you, but I have something else if you'd like to help." Moving his papers around he pulled out his notes. "Now I don't know if you have ever seen any of my stories or read the prophet, but my style of writing isn't liked by all." His signature smirk playing on his face. He enjoyed that it annoyed some. "I like to do more need to know articles on things that are covered up. The piece I've been working on getting information for lately is your school. The staff more specifically." Eyeing the boy he tried to see if he was reacting the way Jorge wanted him to.
"The piece is about why people aren't being help more responsible for things, how the headmistress hires her staff, and are the staff fair and the most effective teachers." Now for what he needed from the boy. "What I'd like you to do since you probably have many friends is help e get information about this. Ask your friends what their thoughts are about the staff, things that have happened, if they felt justice had come. Get me quotes and maybe I'll even help you write it, give you co writing credit." That would motivate the boy, right? He should feel privileged that Jorge would even think to do that.
This man was growing on Theo the more he spoke to him, mostly because he was worried he'd be shown the front door after admitting that journalism wasn't exactly his passion. But that was what interning was for, right? Trying new things. The seventeen-year-old nodded vigorously. "
Exactly. My last internship wasn't really for me, which was really surprising 'cause I thought I'd love it." Though his choice was definitely influenced by certain people, but still, shop work was a big no-no.
Huuuuh... the man was talking lots of words. Theo scratched the back of his head and had to squint his eyes to focus on exactly what he was saying. He automatically shook his head when he mentioned about reading his articles before, which he soon regretted because that just made him look like an even worse intern. Didn't even read the paper he was working at. Pssh. Theodore didn't say anything, but listened to the idea the man had for an article. He wanted the gossip on the professors, oooh... "
So you wanna know about all the bad stuff that happens at school?" Theo stroked his not-so-imaginary beard and thought back to when he, himself, was attacked and almost killed by dementors.
You know, he didn't even get compensation for that.
As much as the topic interested him, he wasn't especially excited about asking his friends about this sort of thing, but hold the phone - co writing credit? Well, then this is your lucky day, Mr. Jorge. "
Really? I can help write it?" His face lit up like a kid in a sweet shop. "
Sure! I'll, err, try my best to get what you need." To be honest, after last terms old age fiasco, he was sure his pals would have PLENTY to say about the staff at Hogwarts.
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Well Tori had been ABOUT to go into the work area... but she had really felt it necessary to breeze into the break room first. Especially since she thought she heard the familiar voice of one hot Hispanic journalist booming just behind her...
"Welcome back, Jorge," the redhead popped up in the work area just behind Jorge's desk. She bore one cupcake in each hand, one for each of the boys of course. A Bunbury always knew that the way to a man's heart was through his stomach.... and elf-made cooking was the best way to do that.
She carefully set the cupcakes on the desk and summoned her squishy pink desk chair over to her, along with the documents sitting right atop it. She picked up the papers, plopped down in their little conference, and listened for all of two minutes before commenting on what Jorge had said. "Now now, Mr. De La Garza," she nudged him with a friendly wink, "let's not bore the poor intern to death right away, huh? Let's give him --- and you, come to think of it --- a fun task."
Tori flipped around a copy of her last fashion article. "I think Basil would agree that it's time for another of these, don't you think? And who better to try on our back-to-school fashions than a REAL, LIVE Hogwarts student? Last time I really wrote about female fashion but THIS TIME I want to target youuuuuur audience."
She batted her eyelashes at the two males. "Pretty please? There's more cupcakes where those two came from." She gestured toward them innocently. Oh, redheaded lady alert!
Theo grinned widely at her as she joined them, although she didn't seem as excited about the other man's first assignment for him. So much so, that she was offering up her own ideas. He had to work on TWO things at the same time?! It was a daunting thing but Theo kept thinking about if he did a good enough job, maybe they'd offer him an
actual job when he was finished. This place was kinda interesting, and they had cupcakes! Theo reached out to grab one but wait... whut...
Theo didn't know about FASHION. He took a moment to process what the lady was asking of him, and then something clicked. "
Wait... you want me to... model for you?" Did he hear her right? 'Cause you know, modelling was something that Theo could totally do.
He was
hawt. Kinda, a little, just maybe... YEAH, BABY, HE WAS HOT STUFF.