Originally Posted by
Bazinga You with Zeke are one of the ones I'm talking about
but Kita's new boy is pretty funny. He's at Sugarplums and the Owl shop,
there are two nutter women in the Cafe with Cosgrach,
Lemon's new one is getting Ice cream
I think that's where I saw them with Mikey
The only one I haven't come across is Ashley's newest...
Lol, shucks *blushes*
But oohhhhh! I have to stalk there. I'll mark a couple more essays, then do that before TV and bed. Yep.
I looooove stalking. Need to do it more often.
Originally Posted by
Lady of Light I know! *pinches their cheeks* So cuuuute, all of them. :3
AND. AND. AND. ZEKE ROGERS. Where can I stalk him?
He's at lots of places.
Currently at the Leaky Cauldron Guest Rooms.... Steps down to KA... Malkin's change rooms (after running there from WWW)... and the Fountain at the north end of the street.
He's a nutcase.