Cecelia or Cece as her friends and family call her is an only child who was born to Loki and Athena Tillstorm. Her father being Swedish while her mother British she grew up in Sweden until the age of eleven when she got her letter that she was accepted to Hogwarts School, the very school her mother had graduated from. During her breaks from school she would go back home to Sweden. Her father is a member of the 5th Cohort in the Swedish Army of Magic
(S.A.M.) where he is the head healer. Following in her father's footsteps Cece went on to become a healer. Once she finished school she went back home where she joined S.A.M. and cared for those that were wounded in training.
Coming home from work one day she was tracked down by an owl she had never seen before. Taking the letter from it she opened it with excitement as she seen the Hogwarts Emblem on the envelope. Why would she be getting a letter from Hogwarts? It had been ten years since she graduated from there. Quickly reading through the letter she couldn't believe what she was reading. They wanted
her to be their new healer?
After thinking on the matter for a few days she decided she would go. As much as she loved being a healer in S.A.M. she was ready for a new adventure, and what better adventure is there than caring for a school full of children.
2076/2077 Term 30
This was Cece's first term as the new healer at Hogwarts and she was excited to find out she would be working with former
crush housemate and new CoMC Professor William Williamson along with the new groundskeeper Mr. Waylon Murdoch. The person she was not so happy to work with was the new Ancient Runes Professor Oliver Jenkins. He was still the same big headed jerk he had always been to her when they were students together. Once term started it didn't take long before the infirmary was filled with students needing care. From allergies to broken bones and everything in between Healer Tillstorm was kept busy taking care of the students. She did somehow find the time to go on a blind date with the handsome Riley Newcomb, Wiseacres Wizarding Equipment shop owner, whom she was still dating at the end of term. She also landed herself in the school gossip paper
Aparecium which did not make her happy at all. It seems a couple of friends can't be seen dancing without a boat load of rumors starting.
During the summer months she went back home to Sweden and volunteered her healer services for S.A.M. She may have left that position to work at Hogwarts but her heart is still in the army where her career began. She also made sure she spent plenty of time with Riley. Well as much time as she could considering summer is his busy time of year.
2077/2078 Term 31
This term proved to be a rather stressful one for the healer. Not only did she have the everyday situations to deal with in the infirmary, she also had the dilemma of the students and staff that seemed to be freezing in time. These occurances were quite the mystery as they just seemed to happen at random times to random people. It wasn't until she smashed a mysterious orb against the wall of the infirmary that everyone came out of their coma like state. Relieved that
Professor Williamson everyone was okay, she went back to her normal life of taking care of the daily bumps and bruises along with the occasional broken bones. She also continued dating Riley and would go off to visit him whenever she had the chance. If someone would have told her last term that she would still be dating Riley today she would have told them they were crazy. The only reason she even went on that first date was to try and forget the one man she knew she would never have. Who would have guessed that Riley would be the one to accomplish this task. Her dating Riley still didn't stop her from once again being a subject in that gossip paper
Aparecium thanks to the Librarian Mr. Kitridge.
Summer time brought good news to Cece. She learned that her very dear friend Vanora Newlin was going to be the new Care of Magical Creatures Professor at Hogwarts. This news helped relieve some of the pain she was still feeling about the departure of the previous CoMC professor, as well as the former groundskeeper, two of her best friends from when she was a
nerdy student at Hogwarts. It was this summer that she also formed an ever lasting friendship with Hecate Lafay. Much to Hecate's surprise, Cece volunteered to help her family through a terrible time they were going through. Even though Hecate said she couldn't ask Cece to do what she offered, Cece wouldn't take no for an answer, and thus a great friendship was formed that day.
2078/2079 Term 32
Cece's third term as healer found her riding the train back to Hogwarts for the start of term. Due to certain circumstances she was not able to travel any other wizarding way, or more like she refused to travel by apparition, portkey or the floo network. However, when the train broke down she was forced to find a different way to get to the school. Enter second year Slytherin West Odessa and his brand new broom which he offered to let the healer use. So, while everyone else on the train was traveling to Kings Cross by portkey, Cece along with her younger cousin Jacen traveled the rest of the way by broom.
The first half of the term found the healer to be a bit more moodier than normal. Just ask the librarian, Mr. Kitridge. He soon found himself on the wrong end of one of her mood swings when he
attacked her planted that unwanted kiss on her in the Great Hall. The very kiss that landed him with a slap across the face. Things seemed to be getting better for her after the birth of Hecate and Alexander's baby, who happened to be born on her birthday. Even though the child wasn't hers, Cece couldn't think of a better way to spend her birthday than with the very family she had been helping out for the past several months.
As the year progressed things started to go downhill for her in her personal life. Her and Riley were growing apart from each other. Seeing how happy the Greingoth's were with their family made her start wanting a family of her own. Riley on the other hand had made it clear to her that he didn't want children. The more she thought about things the more she realized they didn't want the same things out of life. It was with a heavy heart that she wrote him a letter telling him exactly how she felt and that she couldn't go on any longer with their relationship.
Over the summer Cece went on a much needed vacation to St. Lucia. The vacation was a gift from the minister and his wife for everything she had done for their family over the past year. It only seemed fitting to her that she take Sierra on this vacation with her after the eventful year they'd both had. It didn't really take too much convincing to get the Minister and his wife to agree to let their daughter spend time the healer. After the vacation she made sure she spent time at home with her parents and also convinced William to come visit her in Sweden, after he got over being angry with her for what she had done for the Greingoth family that is. He may not have known it but it was really nice having him there with her. No matter how bad things seem to be for her, just having him around helps.
2079/2080 Term 33
This term was rather uneventful for Cece. It was pretty much the same thing in the infirmary every day. Bumps, bruises, a LOT of bruises, broken bones thanks to quidditch, and the occasional child who was actually sick. While all the professors were having to deal with the Board of Governors candidates invading their classes and watching their every move Cece was left alone in her own little corner of the castle.
During Spring Break she spent her time in Romania with a certain Dragonologist. Although they are still only at that "friends" stage
she's finally accepted the fact they'll never be more than friends she had a really great time with him. Not only did she get to see where he's living now, she also got to see exactly what it is he does. Knowing what he does and seeing it first hand has really done nothing to stop her from worrying about him though. Yes, she now knows how careful he is and just exactly how much it is he loves what he's doing, but still, he works with DRAGONS, who breathe FIRE! Like up close and personal.
During the first week of the summer holiday she ran into William in Diagon Alley. The friends chatted about their summer plans, William told her about a promotion he was up for, then he invited her to visit him in Romania again. He then had a change of heart and took the invite back. Feeling crushed that he decided she should wait to visit, Cece did her best not to let him know how hurt she was
even if she did put the idea in his head. She agreed to wait until she heard from him again before she visited. A few weeks later she ran into Waylon in DA. After hearing that he was planning on renting a room at the Leaky Cauldron, she invited him to move in with her. She had just rented a house in Hogsmeade that had an extra bedroom so there was no way she was letting him live above a dingy bar. As the summer went on Cece and Waylon became even better friends than they were before. Towards the end of summer she wrote to William telling him about Waylon rooming with her and that she wouldn't be coming to visit him. William wrote her back demanding to know what was going on with Waylon living with her, and poor Waylon who did absolutely nothing wrong ended up getting a howler from what seemed to be a very jealous William. Needless to say, things didn't end so well and Cece did not go to Romania this summer.
2080/2081 Term 34
Returning to Hogwarts for her fifth term as Healer, Cece found herself employed only part time due to some financial difficulties the school was having. As if having her hours cut wasn't bad enough, all the furniture from her office and the waiting room, along with most of the beds from the healing areas were repossessed by those nasty little goblins from Gringotts.
Having no office, no patients in the infirmary, and a lot of free time on her hands, Cece could be found at her home in Hogsmeade when not at the school. Of course she didn't mind all the time she got to spend at home now that Waylon was living there. As time went on, Cece and Waylon's friendship grew stronger and stronger. For his birthday she took him to the Swiss Alps to go skiing. This would be one ski trip she would remember for the rest of her life. It was during this trip that Waylon kissed her for the very first, and definitely not the last time. Things did get a little awkward with them but they didn't let that stop their friendship, and their feelings for each other from growing. For her birthday, and Christmas, he took her to Seychelles where he taught her how to surf. Their feelings for each other seemed to be growing stronger and stronger, yet they both seemed to be fighting them, which caused more awkward moments. Even with the awkwardness, this had been the best birthday for Cece. Things continued like this throughout the remainder of the school year. She would come home on her days off, they would fight their feelings for each other as they grew even closer.
Once summer arrived, the two of them set off on what turned out to be the most amazing summer vacation of a lifetime. They traveled to all the different Disney parks in the world. That's right, one summer, five parks, and two adults with the whole summer off work, Oh yeah, and let's not forget the two students that met up with them at Disney Florida. Recently graduated headboy, Oakey Gunter and his girlfriend, Ariana Logan. Things again were awkward, only this time not between Cece and Waylon, but between Cece and Ariana because the girl had it in her mind that Cece hated her. Thankfully, Oakey and Ariana did not accompany Cece and Waylon for the whole summer. After a few days in Florida, Oakey and Ari went on their way as did Cece and Waylon. They still had four parks to visit, without the company of students. As the summer came to an end, it was very safe to say all awkwardness was gone between the two, not to mention they were now officially dating. Yes, this had turned out to be a very good summer indeed.
2081-2082 Term 35
Returning for her sixth year as healer, Cece was now back to full time status. She still didn't have her furniture back, but she was being paid to work full time again. Of course now that her and Waylon were dating, it didn't make her too happy that she wasn't going to be able to see him as much as she did last school year. They didn't let a little work stop them from being together though. She went home as much as she could to spend time with him. It really helped too that business in the infirmary had been slow this year.
For the Christmas holiday this year they went to Sweden to spend time with her family. Of course her parents already knew Waylon from when they went to school together, but now they were meeting him again as an adult, and the man who was dating their daughter. Their visit to Sweden ended on a very happy note, as her parents both approved of her and Waylon being together.
Going back to work after the holidays, Cece could be seen with a smile on her face, something that was a rarity for most to see. She might have even been seen being nice to students, or so that little
gossip paper would have everyone believing. She didn't let that bother her though because she knew in her heart that Waylon WAS the reason for her happiness.
For the summer, instead of traveling, Cece and Waylon decided to stay home. They would spend several days at a time not leaving the house, just enjoying each others company. On occasion when they did leave, they could be seen around Hogsmeade. There were even a couple times they ventured as far as Diagon Alley. It was on one of their trips to DA that Cece told Waylon her great news. No, she's not pregnant, she had been offered the position of Slytherin Head of House, and she had accepted.
2082-2083 Term 36
Cece returned to Hogwarts not only for her 7th term as school healer, but for her first term as Slytherin Head of House. A position that had become available with the departure of her dear friend and co-worker, Professor Hecate Lafay. Things didn't seem the same without her friend there but she still kept in contact with her throughout the year. And of course that little
gossip paper didn't waste any time accusing her of threatening her way into the Head of House position. Just let her find who wrote that article and she'll show them what a real threat is.
And as if it wasn't bad enough that she was accused of not actually earning her position as head of house, now she was being
accused of trying to romantically pair up her students. Seriously, where do these idiots get their information? Since when is trying to teach students to get along considered romantic pairing? It didn't stop there though. Oh no. It seems those gossip seekers had no one better to write about this term when they found the time to
accuse her of not knowing the difference between her student leaders. See if she ever offers to give her students a party again because clearly this lie had to come from one of her own. Not nice snakes. Not nice.
It's a good thing Cece didn't focus on all the lies being told about her because she needed to keep her mind focused on all the aging students and staff she was seeing in the infirmary. And we're not talking aging as in having a birthday. We're talking getting old and wrinkly like a shriveled up prune aging. At first she thought it was students just messing around with aging potions, but when the effects didn't start wearing off she started to get concerned. By the end of the term and with the help of healers from St. Mungos and the Ministry, it was confirmed that the aging was the result of a potion gone wrong that had been given to a professor by his personal healers.
In March Cece went home looking for Waylon when he didn't show up to a quidditch match. It wasn't like they got to spend a lot of time together, so when he was a no show she got worried, then angry. How could he stand her up like that? It was hard for her to stay mad at him though when she found him at home and he asked her to buy a house with him. This was HUGE. He was letting her know he wanted to take their relationship to the next level, something she thought would never happen.
Over the summer Cece and Waylon traveled around the world looking for the perfect house, which they finally found in Naples, Italy. A perfect four bedroom home big enough to have a family in. Not that they really ever talked about having children, but Cece was hopeful that someday she would be a mum. They spent the whole month of August painting and decorating their new home. The home they owned together. As in it was theirs. Cece didn't think there was anything in the world that could make her happier than she was at that time. She was now a homeowner with the man she loves.
2083-2084 Term 37
Well here it is. Cece's 8th term as healer and 2nd term as Slytherin Head of House at Hogwarts and she was in no way ready to return to work. She wanted to stay in Italy with Waylon in their new home. But if she wanted to keep that new home with him, they both needed to go back to work. The bills had to get paid.
To be continued...