Originally Posted by
Cassirin I have a different angle on this same question, and I'm interested in what people think about it. Recently in my own RPing, I realized that I was becoming completely inflexible in my IC vs OOC interpretation, to the point where I almost chose not to participate in certain plots or take certain RP avenues that would have been fun for ME as the RPer, simply because it didn't fit perfectly into the narrative of my character or appeal to my sense of what was completely IC for him.
So my question is this... is it possible we sometimes let ourselves be SO ruled by a fictional voice in our head that we aren't open to experiencing all the RP has to offer? Sometimes plots will come up, opportunities will present themselves, homework will be assigned, and we can refuse to participate because the voice is silent on it, but WE are the ones missing that chance to play.
If we're honest with ourselves, there are already a LOT of OOC elements to the RP (Hogwarts is still open and professors still employed in spite of years and years of dangerous occurrences and deaths, first years know things they couldn't possibly in classes they've never taken before, the Ministry somehow manages to function without any bathrooms, classes IC take a month to finish, I can go on). I love the efforts we go to in order to make things as canon as possible, but this is also a game and meant to be fun. I dunno... I guess I'm just wondering if I can give myself permission to be a little more OOC when it comes to interacting with the RPG.
I'm not talking about asking a character to react differently to something than is in character for them... more like wondering if I'm taking this whole idea of "I can't control what the voice in my head makes me do" thing is actually detrimental to our own RP and the RP in general. Thoughts?
I highlighted my favourite parts.
I'm not a believer in inflexibility as a useful strategy in general, it's sometimes helpful in RL, but I think it is especially hindering when applied to an activity which requires a creative attitude to participate in. If you're stopping before you start it can easily become a non-start. And, I don't think that's fair to you as the RPer.
That stated, I
think know it's totally possible to get so caught up in what should and shouldn't happen with a character that we forget what this actually is. A game played with real people, behind real computer screens. We start serving the ideal and forget about the reality. Which is incredibly easy to do in a virtual world where lines can get a bit blurry. It's not just that there are a lot of OOC elements in the RP. It's there for us, the RP writers and contributors, to enjoy.
That's not to say that we can't focus on strict IC points if we want to, the rp as it stands is very flexible with regard to building your own experience that way. But, at the end of the day, I have to sleep in the bed I made. So if I make my dominant experience all about a strict adhesion to character, then that's all it is for me. In my experience both off and on this site, there is usually a way to write around what a character does or doesn't do to create a plausible circumstance in which the character could participate IC in something you'd like to try OOC.
I think that you absolutely should permit yourself to be more OOC if there's something you know you would enjoy but are forbidding yourself from partaking in because of IC reasons. It's my personal opinion that you (
Ern) possess the creativity to make it seem feasible IC.
"Get out of your own way." -Chaka Khan