SPOILER!!: Prefect Candy
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"Ah the problems tall people face." She said, stretching some to make herself a bit more comfortable. "Makes me glad I'm this height. I see everyone." Now ask if she wanted to see everyone. That was a different story entirely. There was no point in asking that he fix that height problem of his, but it made things a bit more problematic. There was a reason Lex hung around people her own height. Made sharing invisibility cloaks and sneaking around the castle easier. "Doubt that'll work. I'm never in one place too long, the smallest things are distracting. I don't mind the search. I find other people too." In the end it wasn't that bad for her and she rather liked being able to move about freely without worrying that if she did she wouldn't be found.
Her eyes widened a little. He'd seen parents forget? "That kid didn't do it right. You want something remembered then you have to drill it in a few times." Sorta..."Not for me though. My father's never forgotten." Ever. He wouldn't dare. No. Lex did a good job of making sure she wasn't forgotten from what she could tell. Oh? He hadn't forgotten? Excellent! She wanted that one now as well and patiently sat, back to the wall by the window, waiting for him to pull the badge out from wherever it was. After awhile even Felix lifted his head, uncurled and leaned over to watch the boy search. "Maybe it's in your trunk afterall." She offered, the disappointment evident in both her expression and her tone. The disappointed quickly faded with the new badge being placed on her lap, that her kneazle took to inspecting. "Neat! Of course you know you're not allowed to take it back now." It was official and everything so no more threatening to give it to Cassia!!! Ahem.
A long process was right. Whatever logic they'd been using at the time was clearly faulty. It was good he'd gotten them to see reason. Imagine him not coming back! "Look at the bright side." She would help him find some bright sides incase he was still too bummed to see any. "You get to stay where you've made friends and learn more magic so you won't enter the big world with amateur spell casting to back you up." Imagine being 20 and being outcast by a 14 year old. Man. "And I'll have you at school next term...but that's more a bright side for me. Sorry." Except she wasn't all that sorry either. Bottom line was, this was GOOD news.
"Sad perks of being too tall," But his brother suffered more since their Ma would ask Kai to reach for all the high things when she couldn't reach. Then again, she was only about 5'3" compared to the other guys in the house.
"I was your height, at like twelve years old," Jun quietly laughed to himself. But it was true too. He was constantly buying new clothes because he was growing tall too fast. Jun nodded. He understood never being in one place for too long. He would usually just go places no one really ended up searching. At least he got to be alone like that.
"Good way to kill time," "Oh, I know. My birthday is like right after coming back from Christmas break so that's how my parents remember," And they wouldn't dare forget. For some reason they always saved his gifts until he got back from school. Which sucked, but they were usually good presents so Jun didn't mind. Oh really? That was a shame.
"Nuh uh! I'm allowed to take it away if I can! I gave it to you in the first place," Or else no more badges. Like ever. Seriously. Besides, they took up some time to make too.
He nodded again.
"I know. I'm excited to stay. Rather be here than start all over at another school," He wasn't too well at making friends. Especially with his attitude at times. They would end up hexed instead of being friends. But he somehow managed to make some here.
"Selfish, aren't you?" He laughed but it was true. They both didn't really know how it would've really worked out if he was at another school, in another continent.
"But lucky you, you get to keep for another term,"