Thread: The Stables
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Old 12-20-2013, 11:27 PM
Charely Potter Charely Potter is offline
Default The Stables

Entering in the barnyard, you first are greeted with the two rows of gated stables. In each of them holds the various of breeds of Winged Horse known to wizardkind. Many are coupled, though a few singles are held to their own. Venturing more you'll see a slightly larger stable holding a familiar-looking Hippogriff with the name 'Henry' plated in gold on the wall next to his door. At the back of the stable towards the left are a set of double doors. They lead to a fenced in pasture for riding. On the walls by the double doors are shelves holding the saddles for riding, gloves and other supplies needed for caring.

OOC: To ride the Winged-horses or Henry the Hippogriff, your character will need Professor Thompson's permission. Attempting to enter without any permission or notice given will result in consequences. Otherwise, be careful now.

Following the increasing cold conditions outdoors, the Stables has been emptied and left bare as the Winged Horses have been relocated to a more appropriate climate for their health.