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Old 12-21-2013, 12:02 AM
Charely Potter Charely Potter is offline
Default The Playpens [Room of Requirement]

To the right of the barnyard exterior you notice the many pens sectioned and fenced holding many creatures. Housed in each of the pens are the X-XXX rated creatures, from infants to adult-sized. On a shelf immediately beside the door are dragon hide gloves and goggles. Hanging beside the gates, are pink polka-dotted colored aprons and jumpsuits (in case you want to keep your current clothes clean). On the other side of the door are temperature maintained bottles and feed that is charmed to regenerate on its own when low enough. Once you're allowed, feel free to give your hand at caring.

Following the increasing cold conditions outdoors, the still-living creatures from the Playpens have been moved to the Room of Requirement for their own safety. Only those with the desire to see and care for the following surviving baby creatures; Puffskeins, Nifflers, Fwoopers, Jarveys, Fire crabs, Kneazles are able to enter.