So its that time of term again where characters are graduating and a new crop of first years and transfers come and start at Hogwarts. We all love brand new baby RPers showing up in their new houses and everything, but as of the last few years we've had this great option of re-sorting into a new house provided we meet the criteria (7 active terms, 4000 posts, no warnings/infractions, staff recommendation).
As someone who has sorted to another house I thought it might be interesting to share my experiences and provide a place where others can ask questions and try and work out if they are brave enough to cross over to another house with a new character knowing they'll be 'stuck' there for a minimum of seven terms.
When I was first trying to decide about resorting, I was so torn. I AM a Ravenclaw. I played one in the school as a student for ten terms (seven with Celandine Toussaint former Head Girl and Prefect, and three as James S. Wilkes Yearbook Editor and former Seeker), I also had a Ravenclaw professor for two terms (who I continue to play as a Governor in the school) It was after I had decided to leave staff that I made the leap of re-sorting to a new house.
For me it was because the character I'd picked up (my current character as of term 36, Slytherin Quidditch Captain West Odessa) didn't 'feel' like a Ravenclaw. I wasn't entirely sure where else he fit, and so I didn't choose an alternate house for him. I instead took the 'admin sort' approach and filled out the sorting quiz from his perspective, and then let the admins decide.
And he was a hatstall! Eeep! They couldn't decide between Hufflepuff and Slytherin initially, and it took a while but finally he ended up in Slytherin and it was SO exciting not knowing, just like really putting the hat on for him! I'd have been happy in any house I think, but the admin sort made it even more interesting.
I've found there are some great pros to resorting to a new house:
-making new ooc friends to RP with that you might not otherwise have gotten to interact with in your old house
-seeing how your new house characteristics take shape in your character, and feel how different they are from your former characters
-challenging your writing skills to create different personality types
- a fresh start, which is sometimes a great way of restarting your inspiration when your muse is low
For the record, I plan to stay in Slytherin for another four terms (with a new character after West) and then when my very first school character's eldest daughter is Hoggies age, resort then. I am 89% sure she'll end up Ravie like her parents, but if she ends up in Huffie or Gryffie I'll still be excited!
So that is me.
Anyone else want to share their resorting experiences? What they like or don't like about being in a different house? What they think about others (in general) resorting? Questions they have about the process? Thoughts about keeping it a surprise/secret from others? Maybe you have a character you want to work out if they'd be better in a different house? Go ahead and talk about that here and get some advice and encouragement!