Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
I usually just try to go with the general 'if your charrie wasn't specifically told something, or saw something' then they don't know it, even if you stalked it, or heard about it OOC.
For example: If so and so character has some juicy gossip that is going on in a RP and Tag /isn't/ there, then he won't know it. I may know whatever happened, but that stays strictly OOC. So the general idea, at least for me, for separating things is, if your charrie wasn't told what happened, or didn't see what happened then they don't know about what happened.
Now, Tegz brought up a good point with IC and OOC emotions. Tag, my current charrie, is an extremely emotional, and sensitive guy who, usually goes to the worst conclusions when told something. And that usually leads him to having strong opinions. In some instances I've been told things, OOC, but somehow Tag gets into my brain and thinks he would officially know it too. That doesn't make too much sense, at least to me it did, but I hope you guys understand it too 3> Like your charrie thinks they have a right to feel a certain way about things even if they don't actually /know/ about it. So I usually have to be all "You don't know this Tag. So you can't say anything about it". If that doesn't work then I just tell Tag to shut up and he usually gets quiet XD
But, Tegz brought up an excellent point with the OOC and the IC emotions getting slightly blurry and confusing.
Last edited by Team ronmione; 04-02-2014 at 02:59 AM.