Originally Posted by
Bazinga What I mean about IC vs OOC is we RPers are great stalkers. I know I love to stalk and find out things and want to know things, but how to you keep what you know and what your charrie should know separate? It can get hard at times especially if in your own thoughts you might not be for what's going on or reading the other charrie's thoughts how do you keep from your Charrie knowing what those thoughts and effecting their words, mood, actions in your next post? It's just something I've seen and have thought about as I stalk and RP so I wanted others thoughts on how they do this with their own charries.
Bottom line if someone didn't directly tell my character, he wasn't right there to see it, or it wasn't part of the 'general knowledge' of SS (ie Daily Prophet, The Aparecium, textbooks, something he'd have free access to if he was so inclined) then my character doesn't know.
But for me there is a difference between IC vs OOC knowledge and IC vs OOC emotion and THAT is where lines can be blurred. Its hard work when something that happens to your character can cause you some grief because at the end of the day they are our babies and we do care about them (if we didn't/don't, how could we expect others to get invested in their stories?). For me though if you step back and really break down the IC Emotion vs IC Knowledge vs OOC Emotion vs OOC Knowledge, and keep in mind that we are not our characters, then its a lot easier to keep it separate. Its just sometimes you have to consciously remind yourself about it.
I'll give you an example that I can think of where the lines can blur.
X RPer cant RP with Y RPer because they are busy. Y RPer is upset. Y Charrie starts wondering if X charrie doesn't like them anymore.
OOC emotion of Y RPer has effected Y Charrie, and their relationship with X charrie.
We're all human so of course little (sometimes silly but again we are human) things can set us off. The trick here is, as Y RPer, to remind yourself that RL is a thing, and that it doesn't mean that X RPer doesn't like you, or that X Charrie is even involved in the slightest. Y Charrie shouldn't react to this, not at all. Its OOC leaking to IC because of emotion.
I think the knowledge stuff is way more straight forward and easier to keep control of. In summary its where they overlap where problems can come up.
Originally Posted by
Lissy Longbottom Honestly, I think it comes with practice, at least for me.
I've been RPing for so long now that I'm able to remember what Caleb has heard IC and what he hasn't. You kind of get into a habit of it, eventually. When I was first starting out, I used the school chat as my source of OOC information. If it was posted there and I know that whatever situation was occurring and being discussed WAS DEFINITELY NOT witnessed by my character, it helped me to remember that my charrie didn't know about it. If that makes sense haha
Same with "What in Merlin's Beard?" thread. I constantly checked that to see what was posted, and then most of the time, I GOT my characters involved so then I didn't HAVE to worry about OOC/IC!
Getting involved is a biggie. And making use of the resources we have like Merlins Beard helps a lot too.
And honestly, like Lissy said about RPing for ages, most peeps that have been around forever are totally willing to help you brain out if your character knows something, or how they might know. Just ask!
Originally Posted by
DaniDiNardo For me I think it helps that I have an oblivious charrie who, even when she might notice, pretends she doesn't so half the time I see things she shouldn't know, it's easy enough getting her to turn a blind eye. In general I find it weird and slightly annoying ahem when IC and OOC start switching between each other whether for the charrie or the RPer so I'm super conscious about what makes sense that my charrie would know and what wouldn't. There's loads of stuff I know Lex wouldn't agree with if she found out but I can't have her acting any different because it's not something she legit knows.
I've stalked SO many things and thought up charrie reactions but that's as far as they ever get for me, thought up ideas that never come out in the RP unless the knowledge gets IC slipped to them.
I usually say reactions as I think West (or whoever would have them) like 'West in my head thinks XX' or 'West would do XX' but that's quite separate from what he might actually think or do if it comes up in the RP. Its sorta like me trying to filter through him, whereas when things actually come to light whatever I thought or whatever might not be the case. I guess I mean for me its easy to keep it separate too because I do try to be hyper aware of it like you do Dani XD When you keep the lines clear and consistent for YOUR character, it makes it easier, and being prepared to answer and justify why your character knows (or doesn't because sometimes its ooc that a charrie doesn't know when they should. Like if anyone was all 'oh what aging epidemic?' and extreme with their obliviousness) a thing is always a good idea.
Originally Posted by
PhoenixRising I re-read stuff like all the time
And even now, after YEARS of playing, I feel like I still get caught up in what my character knows vs what I know.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is that ... it's difficult no matter what, and to try and be conscientious of what you're posting ... and don't post when you're half-asleep either, cause that too could lead confusion and mixup of the voices in your head
and that's coming from someone who only has about 14 or 15 voices ... only like 4 or 5 of which are active though, but still I find when I'm half asleep, my ooc knowledge is actually LESS likely to effect my charries haha. Like my brain is off and they just use my fingers or something.