Originally Posted by
Bart sat with a blank stare on his face. What was he doing? Why wasn't he being able to focus? What was going on again? He looked around confused and then at the girl who had spoken about him barely even understanding what she was saying. Stroke? What? NO he wasn't having something like that, that was for old people. He wasn't er well he was old now wasn't he. The thought of that made his heart race and he felt a bit panicked as the professor came near.
"I.." words were not coming to him, what was going on. He thought really hard as he tried to figure out what he wanted to say. "I...son't snow shas soing on." He stared forward feeling incredibly weird. Where was he again? Urelic right.. His school he was a first year. What class was this? He looked around. "Professor Wobison S sink S sine." He looked up at the professor in total confusion.
It seems people were moving and he wasn't sure what they were doing. He sat there watching them and decided maybe he should get up, but was he suppose to get up. Nothing in his mind seemed to be working right. What was going on..
He looked back up at the professor in a confused panicked state.
Originally Posted by
Wizarding chess.
Yeah, Layla had zero clue on how to play even regular chess. Also, how rude of her classmates to not even notice that something was wrong with one of their own! Especially those Gryffindors. Yep, way to go, guys.
So, since she didn't know and really had no desire to learn chess, wizard or otherwise, and she was flabbergasted that no one was offering to help, there was only one thing for her to do. She hurried over to help Bart. "You're still slurring." So, clearly not fine. "I'll take him, professor."
Braith could hear the students around him getting started with the game, some asking for help, but his focus was elsewhere. He figured enough of them would know how to play and he basically just wanted them to have fun anyway. He wasn't too worried about the outcome as long as they didn't get reckless or something. He was a little more worried about Mr. Maroon right now. And he did not appear to be doing well.
He watched the boy carefully as he tried to speak and could tell by his expression that he was very confused. A very bad feeling came over him, but he tried to mask his dread to not further alarm the child. Though he couldn't help the frown as the boy continued. Not only did he have difficulty forming words, but he seemed to have his name wrong - and not even a close version of it.
"Bart," he started calmly.
"I really think you need to go see the Healer now. She can make you feel better, I'm sure." Or he hoped.
"I.." he started, but was soon interrupted by the Slytherin girl who first expressed her concern.
"Thank you Miss Channing-Sands," he said as he turned to her with a grateful smile. He glanced back at Bart and gently put his arm around his shoulder to begin to help him out of his seat.
"This lovely young lady is going to help you get there. Are you able to walk?" That might pose a further problem if he was unable, but he'd see to get the boy help somehow.