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Old 03-28-2014, 04:03 PM   #24 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by the fastest seeker View Post
She hoped that despite him not being a die-hard Ravenclaw he'd still be able to remember that like he said he would. A super hyper Lex wasn't something good. Mostly because of the down feel that'd get a hold of her. And because when hyper she'd need to let the power out, something that probably meant dangerous ideas which the snake wouldn't approve of. And maybe Cassia didn't want Jun to be the one who'd get to be part of the adventures by himself. Mhhm, jealousy. If she was to get any less attention, problems were to arise. " I am when I need to be," Which thankfully, wasn't something that happened regularly.

Leaning back against one of the walls, she shook her head,"Actually, no. But I expected 'none of your business'-like responses, since some might see it as me butting in," she snorted. Pffft. She believed so hard that she had the right to be here and give the talk. Call her nosy but now she'd sleep better at night.

"By the way, do you have a pet?" Collecting information and all. This seemed to be like a legit and important question.
"Fair enough," He was pretty sure that a prefect obviously couldn't just hex anyone into doing what they were told. Perks of not being a prefect because a lot was expected from them. If Jun were prefect, which he never will be if Elwood knew what was good for her house, he would secretly hex people and point the blame to others. No need to get the badge taken away. Jun sat in the floor, because ouch pain. But yeah, he understood where Cassia was coming from. "People who respond like that are already making the relationship go down hill," Because if either the girlfriend or boyfriend didn't get along with the other's friends, it was going to be a rocky relationship.

Please don't get him talking about creatures. They were his weakness at times. He just really liked them. "I have a crup named Uggie and that's about it," But Jun wanted more. Preferably ones that got along with muggles.
I don't bend easy, budge or break;

Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
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